Chapter 36

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Heyyy!!! Everyone reading this!!!

Wish me happy birthday!!!!🫶🫶

Yup! Today's my birthday (26th Aug)!!!

Today I finally turned 18!!! BINGOOOO!!



The man walked inside the security room. San saw the feet moving infront of him. He apparently swiftly managed to hide. He was holding his laptop close to his chest.

The clicking of few keyboard buttons were heard. The man was maybe checking the cameras.

San was hiding below the very same desk on which he was keeping his laptop and working. He saw the feet move towards the opposite direction, infront of him, away from him. Now the man's lower part of the body was fully visible.

San scooted inside the leg keeping space. He was afraid the man might notice his shadow.

A few minutes went by. San was calmly siting there, without making any noise. He had a very special ability of keeping himself calm and composed in such situations.

Finally, the man walked outside the room. After a few seconds, hearing nothing but silence, San came out of the space.

"Hooh! That was scary!" he slightly loosened his neck area cloth, inorder to adjust it properly as it was slightly deformed. "Let's get the hell out of here."

San was burning with anger.

Again crossing the same gate that connected the two buildings, San was in control. He's veins were pulping out of his hands. He clenched his fists hard.

"San. Control. You're getting out of control with your whole anger thing..." San reminded the other. Of course, his words were ignored as San ascended the stairs up.

His nostrils were flaring in anger.

"Keep. Your. Mouth. Fucking. Close."

On the other hand, Wooyoung had gotten up a few minutes later after San went outside. Now, Wooyoung had just brushed his teeth and had his breakfast.

He was again rehearsing all the scenarios in his mind. Practiced all the lines. He now swore that today, at this very moment he would say everything to San.

Wooyoung did not know where the other was at this moment.

As he was just thinking, when he saw the front door brust open with an unnecessary huge force. He was badly startled.

Then immediately caught the familiar figure of San. Eyes flaring with anger and rage. His fist tightly clenched. Nostrils flaring. Shit, San was angry.

With a high velocity, San stomped inside the dorm and abruptly dumped his backpack on the couch and headed toward the bedroom where Wooyoung was watching him with wide and shocked eyes.

Wooyoung's legs and knees were shaking badly as he saw San storm at him. He could see San's eyes, dark and scary.

Before Wooyoung could think any further, he was harshly grabbed by his collars by one hand of San and the other around Wooyoung's neck as he was shoved against the nearby wall behind him, harshly.

A painful groan was heard from Wooyoung as his back collided against the cold and hard wall.

"IT WAS YOU!! IT WAS FUCKING YOU!!" San shouted at the top of his voice. Wooyoung visible shuddered in fear.

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