Chapter 15

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Naina descended the stairs with her bag, placing it on the sofa before heading to the kitchen for a drink of water. Upon returning, she grabbed her bag, only to be confronted by Vidyunt standing before her. His inquiry about her health left her bewildered. "No, why do you ask?" she responded, puzzled.

As Vidyunt glanced past her towards Ved and Vidhi engrossed in breakfast, he smiled faintly and advised, "If you're unwell, it's best not to go to school."

Before Naina could respond to Vidyunt, Vikram appeared, presumably to summon her. Listening in on Vidyunt's words, Vikram felt a surge of frustration, as if he wanted to bang his head against the wall. However, Naina diffused the tension with her characteristic politeness and affection, reassuring Vikram of her well-being and the urgency of her departure due to being late.

Just as he was about to interject, Vikram shot an angry glare at Vidyunt, who nervously responded with a sheepish smile, suggesting they leave promptly. Naina smiled back at him before heading out, with Vikram following closely behind, muttering under his breath about Vidyunt's deference to his sister-in-law. " Bhabhi ka chamcha."

Meanwhile, Rajendra, engrossed in his newspaper, witnessed the scene unfold and chuckled to himself, remarking on the protective instincts evident within the family.

They embarked on their journey to Naina's school. With Naina's school in sight, Vikram halted the car.

Just as Naina prepared to disembark, Vikram's voice halted her, concern etched in his features. "Are you sure you're not in pain?" he queried. In her rush, she dismissed his worries with a breezy reassurance, unaware of the specifics of his concern. With a wave, she darted through the gates, leaving Vikram to start the engine and drive off into the day.


Today being a college holiday, Ved and Vidhi found themselves at home, feeling restless. Seeking some amusement, they ventured into Vidyunt's room where he lay peacefully asleep. Playfully, they climbed onto his bed, startling him awake.

"What are you two up to, you crazy people?" Vidyunt exclaimed, rubbing his eyes.

With mischief gleaming in their eyes, Ved and Vidhi decided to tickle their brother, causing him to burst into laughter amidst protests. However, Vidyunt soon turned the tables, tickling them back with his superior strength.

Apologizing amidst fits of laughter, Ved and Vidhi pleaded for mercy, calling him "Bhai" in a mix of laughter and genuine contrition.

Finally relenting, Vidyunt lay back on the bed, a mischievous glint still in his eyes. After a moment of silence, he playfully suggested, "Now you two can start calling her your bhabhi."

Their laughter subsided, Ved and Vidhi exchanged silent glances, pondering the implications of their brother's jest.


As Naina prepared to leave the school, she gathered her belongings and engaged in conversation with her teacher friends.

One of her friends mentioned today's news about drugs, but Naina, already feeling volatile, responded, "You know I don't keep up with all that."

Concerned, her friend asked, "What's wrong? Are you upset?"

"No, nothing," Naina replied dismissively.

Observing the darkening sky, Naina suggested they find shelter quickly as it seemed rain was imminent.

Sure enough, before they could find cover, the rain began to pour. They hurried to a spot where others were seeking refuge from the downpour, but not before Naina got slightly drenched.

Naina hugged herself tightly as raindrops began to fall, her hope for dry weather fading. Just then, a car pulled up, and Vikram emerged, carrying an umbrella. He scanned the area until his gaze settled on Naina.

With determination, Vikram strode over to her, catching her off guard. As he extended his hand towards her, Naina's heart raced with surprise—it was Vikram.

Before she could react, her friend's brother appeared, signaling her friend's departure with a casual farewell to Naina.

Vikram adjusted his umbrella to shield Naina from the rain, prompting her to take his hand and follow him. With a reassuring hand on her back, he drew her closer as they made their way to the car, ensuring she wouldn't get wet. His touch sending a comforting shiver down her spine.

Their steps synchronized, as they reached the car, Vikram gallantly opened the door for Naina. She gratefully settled into her seat, and they set off towards home. However, their journey was interrupted by a call to Vikram's phone.

Naina watched as Vikram answered the call, activating the speakerphone. Rajendra's voice echoed through the car, inquiring about their whereabouts and warning them of the worsening weather.

"Where have you reached?" Rajendra's voice crackled through the phone, with concern evident in his voice.

"About to reach," Vikram replied.

"Come soon, it is going to rain more," Rajendra urged before disconnecting.

Naina glanced out of the window and noticed the rain intensifying. She silently prayed for a swift journey home.


On the other end, Rajendra ended the call and turned to Vidyunt and Ved, informing them of the imminent arrival of their guests. Moments later, the distant sound of a car engine signaled their arrival.

As Naina stepped inside, she wasted no time in heading upstairs to change, her clothes soaked through from the rain. Vikram followed suit, retrieving fresh clothes for her and suggesting, "You change here, I'll use the other room."

Naina disappeared into the bathroom, the warmth of the water providing solace from the chilly rain. Emerging a short while later, she donned something more comfortable, her damp hair clinging to her shoulders.

After drying and styling her hair, she returned to the room, pausing by the window to observe the relentless downpour outside. With a sigh, she made her way to the bed, sinking into its welcoming embrace, the rhythmic patter of raindrops lulling her into a peaceful state.

As dinner time approached, Vidhi's absence from the dining area raised concern. Upon learning of her illness and the probable cause—getting caught in the rain—Vikram's anger flared. He knew all too well how quickly Vidhi fell ill, especially when exposed to the rain. The fact that she disregarded her own vulnerability only fueled his frustration, compounded by the impossibility of venting it outside in the relentless downpour.

Vidyunt, sensing Vikram's simmering anger, approached him tentatively, acknowledging his own culpability in neglecting Vidhi's well-being earlier. Meanwhile, Naina, though not angered like Vikram, shared his worry for Vidhi's health.

Inside the room, Vidhi lay asleep, cocooned in a blanket, oblivious to the tensions outside. As Vikram entered, his anger momentarily softened by concern, he quietly observed her slumber, a mixture of regret and protectiveness washing over him.


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