Part 3

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Bec became an eating machine, refusing to talk or look at anyone, their eyes dead and glassy from hopelessness and over consumption. They grew to fill the bed they lay in, their ass deforming the headboard, their belly spilling over the footboard. They seemed determined to forget how it felt to not be stuffed to the point of pain.

"We all... huff huff... feel that way... huff... at first", Li said, shifting herself on her double-reinforced bed.

"But you're family now. We'll look out for you." Mario said. He grunted, struggling to move his useless arms close enough to pat Bec's flabby side. His breasts heaved and wobbled with the exertion. "Leona's like a kid sometimes. In six months, it'll be her birthday again, and she'll get a new toy and stop focusing so much on you."

Bec blinked slowly, too stuffed for any other response. But their fat fingers moved slowly over their blubbery belly as the dusty wheels in their head began to turn.


"Ready for your second breakfast, piggy?" Leona asked, shaking Li's bulging belly, sending waves over her giant body. Li groaned.

"I -urp- am, Leona!" Leona blinked in surprise at Bec's sudden enthusiasm. But then she gave one of her wicked smiles. "Oh cheeeef," she said, "I think this piggy is extra hungry. Make them a special double-sized breakfast, will you?"

The chef sighed wearily, but pulled out another ten gallon keg of heavy cream. Bec's already bloated belly swelled like a balloon as the cream glug, glug, glugged its way into them. They moaned, licking their lips and sucking the tube harder for more, more. Leona increased the pressure on the feeding tube. Bec's bloated belly shoved apart their thighs, stretching past their useless legs, bigger, bigger, more, more.

Leona signaled the chef to throw in a bucket of bacon with the cream. Everyone was watching as Bec, still the smallest among them, greedily sucked down enough calories to feed a whole football team training for playoffs. Their soft jawline bulged, struggling with the pressure to keep sucking down more food. Only when they were bloated and trembling, too full to utter another word, did Leona turn off the machine. "Impressive", she said, wiping the dribbles off Bec's chin, her eyes gleaming with uncontrolled lust and pride. "I love when my piggies really get into it."

"In that case..." Bec's pudgy hands reach for Leona's pack of weed in her pocket. "Care for a hit with me?"


"But I don't understand. How will eating more help?"

"We have to make her think that we're just as into this sick game as she is."

"But... the normal amount is already so much!"

"Just think how sweet it will be when we move to phase two."

"I dunno..."


Cold ice cream barreled down Bec's throat, sending goosebumps over their exposed flesh. "More, more," they begged. Leona smiled and turned up the pressure.

For weeks, Bec begged Leona for double, sometimes triple helpings at every meal, and it had been taking a toll on their body. Rolls of flesh poured outwards, drooping over the sides of their bed. Every movement sent their bulk heaving and sloshing, threatening to tumble them to the ground. Their stomach bulged, quivering with fullness. "M-more," they say, choking around the feeding tube, tears pouring from their eyes.

The chef, brows knit with concern, poured more heavy cream into the trough. Leona looked on with ravishing delight as stretch marks raced across Bec's belly, red lightning bolts over soft flesh. She didn't see Bec's eyes glaze over, didn't see the darkness setting in, their heart thudding slow and heavy in their ears...

"Leonaaaaa," Li whined, breaking Leona out of her lustful thoughts. Li clawed at her blubbery belly, already rumbling pathetically. "You're sending it all to Bec, and we're hardly getting anything. I'm practically starving!" Li looked meaningfully at the other hogs. "Right?"

One by one they caught on, nodding and gripping their bellies.

"Yes, Leona!"

"I'm so hungry!"

"Don't give it all to Bec!"

Leona blinked in surprise, then smiled in delight. "Oh, my poor piggies!" Leona turned down the pressure on Bec's tube, turning up the others instead. "We can't have you going hungry!"

Li slurped on her tube as Leona patted and cooed over her with renewed admiration, turning up the pressure more and more as Li kept sucking. Bec panted in relief, too full to move so much as a finger. Li caught their eye. And winked.


Leona stretched across Bec's belly, softer and warmer than any waterbed, already high off her tits. Now that all her piggies were so horny to fatten up, she spent more time down in the basement than ever, smoking pot and pumping food down their throats.

But not just down THEIR throats.

Bec sucked on their feeding tube. "This is soooo good," they said, lapping melted chocolate off their lip. "You should try a sip, Leona."

Leona let out a high giggle, her belly rumbling with the munchies. "I guess a couple glugs couldn't hurt." She slapped Bec's belly, sending out ripples in all directions. "Next to you, I'll always look like a cover model."

Bec smiled as Leona sucked at their feeding tube, her belly already puffing out over her new XL jeans...


"Goddammit!" Leona flopped back on the bed, quivering with fury. It was barely a month to her birthday, almost time to get a new hog. But her svelte figure had blossomed right out of her favorite red dress. She couldn't even get it up her newly massive thigh. Her breasts had expanded, practically slapping her in the face with every waddling step. Her ass had ballooned to match, wobbling and swaying and knocking her off balance. She wasn't going to be able to seduce anyone like this! How had she let herself get so fucking fat?

She thought back guiltily to all the late nights smoking pot and sneaking hits off the hogs' feeding tubes...

She growled, grabbing her pot and another family-sized bag of chocolate truffles, making her way to the elevator. She was no hog. In fact, she would prove to herself what a REAL hog looked like.


All their self-imposed gluttony had made the hogs' growth pick up speed. Mario could barely wobble from side to side anymore, and Li's double-reinforced bed had collapsed under their mighty bulk, forcing them to spread out on the ground.

"Leonaaa," Bec whined as soon as she stepped off the elevator. "Can you come check my feeding tube?"

"What's the... huff... matter, piggy?" Leona said, smiling at the permanently rounded ball that had become Bec's stomach. See, this was a fatty. This was a hog. Not her.

"Nothing's coming out. I think it's broken." They wiggled their helpless limbs toward the tube, jiggling their whole body pathetically.

"It looks fine to me," Leona said, fat fingers rooting to the bottom of her bag of chocolates.

"Can't you just lean over and check?" Bec moaned, belly rumbling. "I'm soooo hungry!"

That did it. "Aww, poor piggy, Leona sneered." She leaned forward, her enormous belly and breasts tipping her ever so slightly off-balance. Over her head, Bec gave Mario a nod. Mario wobbled slowly sideways, stretching out his arm-

"What are you-HEY!"

It would never have worked if Leona was still in her prime. But she had grown so heavy, so soft and weak, that Mario's tiny shove was enough to topple her over. Bec heaved their body to the side, sloshing onto Li and rolling gently to the ground as Leona fell into their place.

The feeding machine sprung to life, the tube spewing forth a slurry of cheesecake and heavy cream into Leona's mouth, filling her bloated cheeks, muffling her screams. She had no choice but to swallow or drown. Leona rocked from side to side, wiggling her legs desperately. But it was no good. Her belly was already swelling, her mounds of flesh pinning her down, making her just another prisoner of the feeding room.

"Oh cheeef," Bec called, rubbing their bloated belly. "I think this poor piggy is extra hungry. Why don't you make her a special, double-sized breakfast."

The fat chef smiled and pulled out another kilo of bacon.

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