smelly fun

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A few short days after Gracie not only wet herself for the first time since grade school but her mattress as well which much to her displeasure was a pain in the rear to clean but thankfully to her the pleasure that came from wetting herself was more than worth it, it was if a whole new world of possiblity was opened for her when the flood gates opened in her pants. Filled to the brim (and not just with curiosity) Gracie took to the internet in hopes of learning about her new fetish soon enough she found what she was looking for, not only did it have a name ,,omorashi,, it turned out plenty of people enjoyed the messy task not simply with pee but also with poop, as the curiosity consumed Gracie she began exploring her thoughts "peeing my pants did feel really good... I guess I'll never know if I like it if I don't try it" she said excitedly as she shut her laptop and headed to the kitchen.

Later that day Gracie found herself once again needing the bathroom and a rush of adrenaline coarsed through her veins making her stomach drop a little increasing the speed of her bowel movement not enough to make her have an accident but enough to make her pause and ride out the stomach cramp, "fuck, maybe standing isn't a good idea for holding" she sighed out waiting for the cramp to subside before she made her way to the kitchen pressing her ass down hard on one of the wooden chairs sitting at the dining table in front of her letting out a semi wet fart. She somewhat regretted eating food that would purposely upset her stomach but she'd been far too excited to wait and hold it for more than a day she wanted to experience pooping her pants now, the hot pile of mush sitting in her bowels would prove to be more than she bargained for as another wave of desperation cause her to cross her legs and brace herself against the chair while her stomach audibly bubbled sounding like a monster attempting to growl it's way out of her stomach "Oh God I've never had to go this bad before" she moaned feeling the hot wet substance threatening to escape her tightly clenched butt with another cramp that caused her to stop bracing against the chair and move both hands onto her lower stomach which would prove to be a serious mistake as a kiwi sized brown lump squeezed into her light pink panties the soft brown ever so slowly seeping through the thin cloth permanently staining it Gracie felt the warmth against her ass as her face lit up with embarrassment and sweat started beading against her forehead, she'd never wanted to poop somewhere that wasn't a toilet so badly in her life "this definitely shouldn't feel so good" she said drawing in a deep breath and unclenching her ass waiting for the next cramp to come and come it did. While the dull aching pain came again Gracie didn't try to fight it nor did she attempt to push out the nearly liquid turd instead she relaxed and let it happen lifting up of the seat just enough to give the slimy mush room to balloon out in her pants as a very wet crackling noise filled the room as the slop desperately exited her asshole to the welcoming room that was her pants *bllaarrt* the soupy poop pooled in to her panties the relief that came with the mess was nearly instant so instant infact that Gracie didn't notice she had began to push out the remaining mess with a massive sloppy shart that further spread the mess that was already filling the sagging pants and panties to the brim, the forceful air and leftover poop shot up past the waist band of Gracie jeans as her eyes went wide as saucers, she had her first blowout. Panting in relief with an obscene amount of poop inside her pants she slowly got up from the chair and waddled her way to the bathroom pathetically but highly satisfied with the results of her first mess and growing more aroused as she felt the weight of the mess squish around her ass "I've gotta do this more often." She said shutting the bathroom door behind her.

AUTHOR'S NOTE: This was a doozy to write since I haven't got that many ideas on how to describe messing with a lot of detail, advice on writing more descriptive pants pooping would be very appreciated.

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