Chapter 8 - Make me Wanna Die

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TW: SELF-HARM (From Stiles clawing herself for control)

TW: SELF-HARM (From Stiles clawing herself for control)

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Show me all the things that I shouldn't know

When there's a Blue Moon on the rise

I had everything, opportunities for eternity

And I could belong to the night.

Your eyes, your eyes

I can see in your eyes, your eyes.

You make me wanna die.


She was on edge, and Stiles wasn't sure if it had to do with the game, the finally coming face to face with a hunter or with Derek's radio silence.

Scott's plan reminded her what it would've originally happened, they would've nailed Derek for murder so he was out of the way and Scott would be able to play, but Stiles had discarded that idea immediately, and Scott didn't feel like going through with it either after finding out it was Derek's sister.

Stiles half expected him to pop out of somewhere and kidnap her so she wouldn't play, but she knew he wouldn't, as he had yet to step on any of her toes or truly intimidate her.

Still, she couldn't help but drive to the Hale house, hoping she could apologize for snapping at him when Stiles knew he was just looking out for her.

Plus, the talk about the body in his backyard had harshly reminded Stiles that Derek was alone in the house he lost everyone in, that he had buried the last of his family at the ripe age of twenty two.

Twenty two.

Nobody has their life figured out by that age, she'd know, and he was all alone.

No family, no pack... Just a shell of a place he once called home, but that was undeniably tainted by hatred and betrayal.

She didn't know why every time she looked at it, she expected to see something different, as if the house would somehow turn into a home all of the sudden simply by housing the man.

With a shake of her head, Stiles jumped down the jeep with everything she had packed up, straining her ears and shrugging at the silence. She knew he was inside, could smell and sense him nearby.

Not that she would ever admit it to Scott, of course.

It was probably a wolf thing.

"I come in peace," She called, stopping in front of the door and waiting for an acknowledgment "and with bribes!" There were a few moments of silence before Stiles started shuffling her feet, pursing her lips and kicking the dirt from the boards. "And to grovel."

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