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Jaspers pov:
The moment Jane, Alec and Demetri got to our house, we all were rather confused on why they came here. Still we all try to stay focused on our little love, she after all is our top priority! We also have no problems with the Volturi coven, therefore whatever they might need won't bring any trouble towards us. At least I do hope so. They also sound rather cheerful to meet our newly found mate, yet I can feel a lot of inner furry rushing through their systems. Guess they, just like their masters I might add, are rather pissed at Isabella's and Rene's audacity.
Still I don't want to keep my concentration on them. To be fair, I don't want my focus on anything except my wonderful tiny mate! Especially when my sweet love is staying right in front of us. The cute little girl is still cuddling Rosalie lovingly, as she still is worried for her it seems. I know it's horrible to think like that, but I do enjoy seeing her like this, it after all allows us to see how incredibly much she already cares for each of us. Her cute blush is still on her cheeks, as her eyes stay solely on Rosalie's as if she try's to make absolutely sure that she is indeed fine.
Her sudden feeling of fear gets my attention back on our surroundings, ready to attack whoever dares come near my mates! When my eyes however fall on the three young looking guards that are now standing in the door along with Esme, I sigh in relief. Realizing that my sweet Mia must of been afraid of them and not some real attackers. Still, we better make sure that she knows that they won't ever hurt her. Better yet, that no one will ever be able to hurt her ever again! Not when we are close by her side!
„You must be Mia, it's really great to meet you in person." Janes soft and caring voice says, definitely trying her hardest to not frighten my love even further. It's honestly quit interesting to see Jane along with the other two like this. Normally they have this no bullshit and threatening demeanor surrounding them like a thick blanket. Yet they try their very best to look as unthreatening as possible to not frighten our mate. Which I do have to say, appreciate more than they may think.
„Hi, it's nice to meet you too." our angel replies after studying them for a bit longer. Her fright slowly seems to subside as Rosalie caresses her back in a reassuring manner, letting her know that she indeed is perfectly safe. Thankfully this also seems to be enough, to further help her steady herself more and more as we all breath a sigh of relief. Happy that she trusts us enough to protect her no matter what and that we won't ever bring her close to anyone we don't fully trust ourselves!
„Please excuse my sisters manners, she has the tendency to think that everyone knows who she is already. So let me introduce ourselves to you." Alec says with a playful roll of his eyes. This immediately gets him a reply of small giggles from my angel. All of their eyes right away soften even further at our little mate and her adorableness.
„As already stated, that's my sister, Jane, to her other side is Demetri and my name is Alec." he even softer gets on to introduce themselves to Mia who shyly smiles at them. Her feelings slowly getting back to her happy state instead of the heavy uncertainty and fear she felt after seeing them at first.
„It truly is amazing to meet you Mia, so please don't fear us in any way shape or form. We truly are close friends with the Cullens, so be ensured that none of us will ever dare hurt you. You are way too cute to even think of something like that." Demetri softly tells her, as he smiles lovingly at our now completely relaxed mate. Seeing her like this honestly feels incredible!! Even more so since she sadly doesn't normally seem to feel at all safe. I guess it shouldn't come to any surprise to either of us, with what we already know she had to life through. Thinking of that however only gets me riled back up in complete anger, which isn't something I want to display around my love. Not when I already know how quick this sweet soul would be in thinking that she did something wrong. Which in itself is blasphemy in my eyes! Anyway, I along with our other mates, will have more than enough time to revenge our sweet mate in the near future. Therefore I will be patiently, ok impatiently, waiting for that time to come. In the mean time I instead will soak up every second we are able to spend with our perfect little angel. Which honestly is a blessing in itself!
„It's really nice to meet the three of you." her soft voice rings around the room. Wrapping me even further around her tiny little fingers. How can someone be this absolutely perfect and still get paired up with such a sinister mother and sister? There must of gone something completely wrong! Because no way in hell was that what should of happened! The only positiv thing is that Charlie absolutely adores her, so at least one of my angels parents love her unconditionally!! That and that she was destined to be our mate, which i will forever be grateful for.
The way those three guards look at her as well makes me sigh in utter relief, since it's obvious that they also are more than willing to protect her no matter what. As unheard as it may be for them, but they definitely took a liking towards our sweet love. Which then also means that she will be even safer than she already is with us.
„How long do you guys plan on staying with us?" Carlisle questions the three of them in interest. While surely expecting them to say that they only are here for a bit, since they are just passing by. At least that's exactly what I was thinking. I mean, it's completely unheard of that they are staying away from their master for longer than a mission. Those three after all are the top guards of the kings themselves! So usually they are no where they are not.
So it's surprising to all of us as they say that they will be staying for a few weeks if that's alright with us. And how should we even decline that!?
„You guys know that we are more than happy to have you here with us." Esme honestly tells them as their smiles get even wider. Guess they aren't that used to someone being happy to have them. Yet we certainly am. We after all have been friends with them for quit some time and even have fought alongside one another.

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