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We were through the magical entrance, and in no time we reached the castle.

I was thrilled with the thought of a decent castle. Not one that the demon lord resides in. But okay, I will have to manage anyhow!

The carriage stopped. I looked at Callixto to give me a sign!

He didn't say a word and got off the carriage. He extended his right hand, and I took it like it would disappear if I didn't hold it quickly. I blinked slightly slow, and I got out of the carriage.

What is that?

Damn, is that the castle?! I dropped my jaw looking at that. It was astounding to see such a colossal castle, with a hint of regal, and it wasn't ostentatious.

Arghhh! Look at this guy! Living like some prince! And here I am, that Cinderella who was never destined to meet the prince! Not in my world, not in Orealia's world!

"Wife?" Callixto said it with a concerned voice.

"Huh?" I looked at him in a daze. I lost my sanity for a while there. What is up with me? Prince and Cinderella? Get your act together!
I held his hand, and he escorted me inside.

"Welcome, Your Excellency."
"Welcome, Madam"
Butler bowed his head, smiled warmly at Callixto, and gave a slightly less welcoming smile to me.

"I am Kadburn Lieyel. I am at your service."

I slightly lifted the corners of my lips and accepted his greetings.
Servants lined up to greet us as well. I could sense their curiosity and hostility. I knew I wasn't welcomed here, but... it still hurts! I am not Orealia. I am not used to everyone hating on me! And most importantly, I don't want someone to poison me out of hatred. Aaah! That thought just gave me chills!

"Show her to her room." Butler Kadburn Lieyel commanded a maid.

"Greetings Madam."
"Let me show you to your room."

I quietly followed that maid, and Silvy joined me.

"This is your room, madam."

I looked around, and it wasn't as magnificent as the castle looked, but it wasn't humble for some commoners either. A big room with all the things I needed. I looked around and found nothing uncomfortable. It was made with consideration of my needs, I guess.

"Madam, I am Lily. Please allow me to help you with anything you need."

"Lily, thank you. But I would like to rest for now. If there is anything I need to know, please tell me; otherwise, don't disturb me till dinner time."

"As you wish, Madam." She said that and left the room.

Silvy was standing in a corner in a still position. I laughed at her.
"Haha, Silvy How long are you planning to stand there? Come sit here." I pointed at the chair beside mine.

We sat down. I was exhausted after a long journey! I guess Silvy was also not in a condition to talk. I felt a bit awkward asking for her to help me, but she was the only ally I had!
I asked, "Silvy Will you mind helping me with a bath?"

She got all fired up. "Leave it to me, my lady!"

I smiled. It's so good to have someone reliable!

She drew a bath for me. I soaked my body in the tub to let go of all the exhaustion.

"Silvy I am fine. You can go and bathe as well and get some rest."

She didn't resist at all. She must be tired. I thought.

Villainess disappeared before her doomWhere stories live. Discover now