19; Flirting with Fate in Korean.

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Dean dropped her off at home not long after their little date. It was nothing extravagant, a contrast of what one would expect from someone of his caliber, but he was just Dean to her.

Even after she found out of his potential fame and all. She could still remember how the conversation went down.

"So...what do you do for a living?" She casually asked, as they strolled down the streets after having their tteokbokki, and boy was it spicy-she even shed a few tears, something she and Dean agreed to keep a secret between them.

She'd read reviews on it before, some claiming the sauce was too sweet and they would've preferred it to be a bit more salty and all, but she knew it wasn't the case for her. She had the real deal, on the streets of Korea and she surely liked it.

She doesn't regret it though. She enjoyed every minute of eating the street food with she and him teasing each other here and there.

Afterwards, they decided to simply take a stroll down the nearly market before they headed home. They weren't planning to buy anything in particular, just looking for an excuse to let the date drag on longer.

Dean, whom was walking beside her tilted his head in her direction, taking in the genuine curiosity masking her features as if to confirm something. Seeing as the question was genuinely from the bottom of her heart, he smiled and looked down for a brief second to hide his amusement.

"Uhm...I..." He cleared his throat, tamping his amusement down as he tilted his head up again. "I play sports."

"Sports?" She had realized after spending a few hours that he and the guys seemed to love sports, but she thought it was just a passing moment thing-not a job kind of thing. "What sort of sports do you play?"

She wasn't a fan of sports, barely knows a thing about it really. She doesn't hate it, just that she has no passion for it. She harbors no like, or hatred towards it.

Hence, why she is oblivious to the world of sports.

Dean folded his lips in for a moment, contemplating on whether to tell her the truth or not. There's no reason to lie to her anyway. So, he found himself responding. "Football." He stated, the pride in his tone hard to miss. He has every right to be proud of his job. "I'm a footballer."

She suddenly halted, then turned around to stare at him with parted lips and slightly widened eyes. "No way. Like a professional football player type of player?" She inquired, her eyes dilating slightly as she stared at him with sudden interest.

He nodded.

"Like a popular football club type of footballer?" She was still finding it hard to wrap her head around it. Yes, she isn't a fan of football but she doesn't live in a cave. She's well aware footballers are like some inspirational figures in the society these days-celebrated ones. "Soccer type of football?"

His brows furrowed, his lips slanting into a frown as he stared at her with serious eyes. Turning around to face her, he inquired in a serious note. "How many type of football are there? You seem to know quite a lot." He lightly teased.

She glared at him, her lips pressed together to express her lack of amusement to him pulling her leg like that.

He chuckled.

She ignored it, steering back to their original conversation. "So, a football player, huh?"

His chuckle had died down, though he still spotted a small grin because of amusement. Her reaction was priceless really. Nonetheless, he decided to stop pulling her legs before she gets really upset.

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