Chapter LVI

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Sorry again for the long wait. I don't even know if you guys are still reading but again, I will finish this book. Here's another chapter and I hope my writing skills have not dulled over time.
Thanks for your votes and comments by the way❤️❤️❤️

Wang Linxue arrived home feeling the exhaustion weighing down on her. As she stepped through the front door, her mother's warm and welcoming smile greeted her. The soft glow of warm lighting and the inviting scent of home-cooked food permeated the air.

' Where they having Mr Nuo around again?'

With a brief exchange of greetings, Wang Linxue made her way to her room. Soft rays of sunset filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow that danced upon the carefully arranged study materials on her desk.

She immediately settled into her study routine, the room embraced her with a comforting silence.

With the college entrance exams scheduled to begin in the early months of the new year instead of mid year, Wang Linxue diligently studied as soon as she came home since she had no chores from the company.

Though she didn't know what she was going to do yet in college the more she thought of it.

"Xue Xue come for dinner!" Her mother shouted from outside her room.

"Later , I'm busy mother!" She shouted back placing her earpiece on the table.

" Now! We have a guest."

Groaning, she got up and with a hint of reluctance greets Mr Nuo after she reached the dinning room.

Ok, remember momma's words. Be nice Linxue.

" Hi, Mr Nuo, nice coat."

"Hey Linxue. Thanks, I got it from your mother. How was your day?"

"Fine, I guess." She mumbled shrugging. " What do you got there?" Gesturing towards to box present in his hands.

"Here, it's for you. Your mother told you have a popular makeup vlog on YouKu, so, I bought you some things you would need."

" Oh-oh. You didn't need to."

" Don't stand on ceremony with me. Come on . Take it.''

After thanking  him and setting down the gift in the living room she sat down at the dinner table, the atmosphere carries a mix of tension and effort to establish a connection on one side. While Wang Linxue is still adjusting to Mr Nuo' s presence again and again in the house, he didn't seem to mind at all and continues to make an effort to engage with her.

" So, I heard you were working at SR Company nowadays. That's impressive. What do you do there?"

" Hasn't my mother already told you?" She deadpanned picking on the vegetables with her chopsticks with her head down.

" No, she hasn't. She didn't go into detail that much."

'Yeah right.'

With an sigh ,she answered, " I work as an assistant for my step sister. Basically any job the senior assistant gives me, as long as I can do it, I do."

Smiling warmly he comments, " That is great. Gaining work experience now could help you in the long run.Is it in line with what you want to do in college?"

'' I don't know yet."

The table fell silent after and Wang Linxue peeked a glance at her mother who was giving Mr Nuo some eye signals she couldn't decipher.
What was up with that?

He then smiled at her mother before turning back to his food.

At least he had stopped bothering her.

"So, do you know what you want to do in college Linxue?"

Ties And Fate (Book 1)✔️Where stories live. Discover now