Chapter 5

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Soon, rumors circulated about how much I care for my sister and what kind of person I am. People also seem to think of me as an overprotective sister because we do not have any brothers or fathers. Gosh, people and their stupid brains.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that Alexander wasn't present to witness the chaos. Perhaps he was unaware of the rumours circulating about me and my sister, sparing him unnecessary worry. What matters most is that I am safe.

Now, let's move on.

Following the ball, Princess Fiona hosts a tea party. Such a Shrek-like name! Fiona and Evory will ruin Lilian's lovely hair by spilling tea on it during the party. Sad Lilian would cry on the empty ground when she returned. There, she will meet Noah, the devoted knight who will become her third suitor. He will help her and become friends with her. He disliked Evory and fell in love with Lilian because she could relate to his difficulties. Later, he would team up with Alexander to exact revenge.

Almost all of the suitors attacked and hurt Evory, but she was ultimately punished by her mother. They could not kill her because she was the Empress's first child.

Even though the Empress despises her, others held her in high regard until Prince Lucas exposed all of her wrongdoing. That bastard of a Fiancé again.

If certain events are destined to occur, it is possible that even if I do not act, someone else will. I can not stop something that is out of my control. The only way to prevent it is to avoid attending the tea party. But how do I do it?

"Evory, are you busy?" Lilian says, knocking on the door.

I replied, "No, come inside." She enters after opening the door and carrying a tray of cookies. "I made these," she says, setting them in front of me. "I hope you will enjoy it." As I take a cookie, I smile at her.

She also eats a cookie. Oh my goodness, she is adorable!

She continues, eating the cookie. "You know about Fiona's tea party; I do not want to go there." "Did you find them annoying?" I simply ask. "No, not at all. Honestly, I find those parties boring." She mutters and pouts. "If you don't want to go, you can let Mother know." I respond, "She wouldn't force you."

Mother? hold on. Oh Yes! That is it... She will agree if she tells her mother, but I will have to go to the party then. Neh.. I need to come up with an excuse to avoid that silly party nonsense.

Maybe I can explain to her that I have a prior commitment or that I am feeling ill. Either way, I'll have to come up with a convincing reason to skip out on Fiona's tea party.

"How about we go exploring the town?" She exclaims it happily. The best excuse is that. "Done. I reply, following her energy, "Sure, exploring the town sounds like a much better plan than attending that party. You tell Mother we're going to the town."

"What if mother does not agree? What about you? You never ask anything; if you ask this, she will undoubtedly agree."

I understand her concerns, but there is no way that women will agree on anything Evory-related. "Mother favours you; she always has. If you ask her, she'll definitely agree. Plus, we can always come up with a backup plan in case she doesn't." I say.

Lilian's eyes become more worried as she stares at me. "That is not true; she also cares deeply for you. She is very much like you. She is not very expressive." She says. I smile and tell her, "I am aware of this. I did not intend it that way. I simply meant that she is more likely to listen to your opinions if you have valid reasons.

She does not seem relieved yet. "Your eyes shine like crystal water, as if they are sad and want to cry," she says.

Yes, that again. I have to learn to control this glowing thing. I did feel bad for Evory while reading the novel, but it depressed me even more when I experienced it. I guess Evory and I have one thing in common: a lack of parental love. Nonetheless, I am unable to trust anyone here.

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