Chapter 15: A Desperate Rendezvous

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The gang war that had gripped the city's streets for weeks was finally over. With the police restoring order and peace, the residents could finally breathe a sigh of relief. But amidst the calm that settled over the city, there were still shadows lurking—Ramon and Isabella, the last remnants of Cassius's organization, remained elusive.

Russo had just left a debriefing session with the police force when he received a frantic call from Sarah. She had asked him to meet her at her apartment, an unusual request given the circumstances. Concern gnawed at him as he hurried to her address, fearing that something was amiss.

Arriving at her apartment, Russo's heart sank when he found it in disarray. Furniture had been overturned, and signs of a struggle were evident. Panic welled up inside him as he realized that Sarah was nowhere to be found.

Before he could react, his phone rang. The caller ID displayed Sarah's number, but the voice on the other end was not hers. It was Ramon, his tone laced with malice.

"Russo, you're going to want to listen carefully. We have your partner, and if you ever want to see her again, you'll do as I say."

Russo's knuckles turned white as he clenched his phone. He had no choice but to comply with Ramon's demands. The lieutenant's next words sent a chill down his spine.

"Meet us at the construction site where they're building the hotel Cassius funded. You have one hour, Russo."

The construction site was a sprawling labyrinth of concrete and steel, a testament to Cassius Armstrong's far-reaching influence. It was a place where secrets could easily be buried, and Russo knew that he was walking into a trap.

As he arrived at the site, Russo's eyes scanned the shadows, searching for any sign of Ramon and Sarah. The night was silent, and tension hung in the air like a thick fog. He could feel the weight of the city's corruption pressing down on him.

A voice echoed through the darkness, and Russo's heart leaped into his throat as he spotted Ramon, his silhouette cloaked in shadows.

"Where's Sarah?" Russo demanded, his voice trembling with a mix of fear and anger.

Ramon merely smirked, gesturing toward the hotel's construction site. "She's here, but first, you have something we want."

Russo knew that he had to play along if he wanted to save Sarah. He reached into his coat pocket and produced a flash drive containing vital evidence against Cassius Armstrong.

"Here," Russo said, his voice low and tense. "Now, where's Sarah?"

As he handed over the flash drive, Russo couldn't help but wonder if he had just made a deal with the devil. The fate of his partner and the city hung in the balance, and the final chapter of their battle against The Kingpin was about to unfold.

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