Chapter 26 - Two Blue Bloods

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Wendy, Christie's mother, approaches Alpha Knight and places a hand on his shoulder.

"Thank you for sending Christie home, she's finally sleeping now. She blames herself, I'm afraid it will take a long time for her to heal" Wendy looks over at Ava, resting in her casket, looking beautiful in her white ceremonial dress "she should have worn this for your claiming ceremony, not for her funeral" a tear slips down Wendy's cheek and she wipes it away "I can take over the vigil now, I'll watch over my niece. You should go and get some rest too."

Caden rises from his seat, so Christie's mum can take over. She grabs his arm "I'm so sorry for your loss too. We had no idea you were mates. If there is anything we can do, please call on us. We're family now".

Caden gives Wendy a stiff nod, as he walks towards his office. He gives Jaxon a look, to indicate he wants a private word with him. The Beta dutifully follows his Alpha. Once inside the office, Caden takes a seat behind his desk, while Jaxon locks the door, before sitting down on the chair facing the desk.

"Everyone believes Ava is my mate" Caden sighs, and runs his hands through his dark hair "how determined are the CBC to get to me and my mate?"

"According to Christie, they believe your blue blood is a magic cure for all kinds of human diseases. It's basically priceless, and they will stop at nothing to get it. What I learned at Redwood is that in the early days the CBC started off abducting any shifters, they were happy to get their hands on any werewolf blood. Over time they realised not all wolves are created equal, and that Alpha blood held far more superior properties, which equalled larger profits. They began to focus on only trying to abduct Alphas, but they found them hard to capture and very difficult to control. They ended up accidentally killing many Alphas, which meant they lost their blood supply. They soon discovered if they captured the Lunas, they could control Alphas. Alphas will stop at nothing to get their mates back, this gives the CBC the advantage they need if they are able to kidnap the Lunas first."

"If that is the case, and they believe Ava is my mate, then why did they shoot her?"

"Christie says they were trying to shoot her, not Ava. Apparently, they have an in-house wolf named Caspian, that shoved the soldier out of the way before he shot Christie. Stray bullets were fired, hitting Ava. Ava hid the fact she was shot, until it was too late. It's another reason Christie feels responsible for her death."

"An in-house wolf? Who is this Caspian?" Caden is alarmed at the thought of wolves being in league with humans, this could destabilise the entire werewolf population.

"We don't know yet. Christie seems reluctant to talk about him for some reason. All she said is that he saved her life twice. Christie is clearly in shock at the moment, so I didn't want to press her too hard. I think after the funeral we'll be able to get more details from her".

Caden gets up and walks to his built-in bar, he badly needs a scotch to calm his nerves.

"You want one?"

Jaxon nods his head as he gets up and approaches the bar, seating himself on one of the bar stools. Caden pours two tumblers of whiskey, handing one to Jaxon. Jaxon takes a sip before continuing.

"Caden, I think you need to meet with Alpha Knox of Redwood Pack. He is the only blue blood to date that has been captured. That's how the CBC know about blue bloods, from testing his blood when they briefly had him in their clutches. The CBC captured his pregnant mate, and he willingly handed himself over to them in exchange. They agreed to exchange his life for his mate and future pup. However, the CBC double crossed him, once they had Alpha Knox secured, they went and re-captured his mate. They wanted to use her to control him."

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