Chapter 4

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After we had returned to camp it started to sprinkle droplets, so we remained indoors sitting by the crackling fire. The sound of the wind swaying the trees started to become noticeable. The rain hitting hard against the rotting roof.

"You know you only have half of your grounds fortified" Finally someone broke the silence. "I don't usually get visitors from the road entry" I pursed my lips waiting for his response, but it never came.

Between the silence, my mind shifted to our first encounter. Damiens weight resonating on my shoulders as if I had picked him up once more.

"Why were you knocked out?"

I will admit, curiosity got the better of me, but shouldn't I know incase he randomly grows three arms and tries to eat me or something?

"I tripped," he looked down to his hands, studying them. "I must've hit my head."

Well that sounded like a lie if I ever heard one. "And I'm a giraffe." I retorted. If he wants to lie, so be it.

A confused expression formed on Damiens face as he stared at me. "What? I thought we were lying" I said innocently as Damien rolled his eyes at me.

I watched as Bleu sluggish crawled towards me, sitting himself on the couch beside me.

My attention drew towards Damien as he stood. "I'm off to bed" without so much as a response from me, he left.

That was weird.

After a few minutes of me contemplating the horrors of the world, my thoughts landed on Damien. Why do they keep doing that? I bet he's going to leave tomorrow, I don't know why but I can just feel it.. If he goes, should I go with him?

Why the hell are you thinking that? You wouldn't survive a day out there.

You're probably right.

My thoughts began to quiet as my eyes became heavy, sleep trying to take me. A clang startled me awake as my rifle fell to the floor that had been resting on the dining table. I push myself off of the couch, picking up my rifle.

Banging on the cabin walls drew my attention, the intimidating sound filled my eardrums as a sense of dread spilled over me.

"Come on." Damien yelled from down the hallway, my feet scuffling towards him desperately.

"What's going on?" I demanded, panicked. "Do you have a roof access?" He asks. I pointed and he pulled on the string, a loud clang sounded as the unfolding staircase hit the wooden floorboards.

He began climbing as I grabbed Bleu, an awkward thing to do in a time like this. I managed to lift him enough so Damien could get ahold of him, hoisting him up.

I strapped on my rifle, flinging it behind me as I reached for the staircase. Reaching the square entry, I could feel my heart pound in my chest as the banging echoed throughout the attic.

Our bodies black with shadow, crouching in the small cavern as we ducked below the rotting beams.

Damien’s eyes locked with mine, “We can't get to the roof from here.”

I froze at his words. ”Uhhh, I panicked.”

“What? You gotta be kidding me.” He barked, obviously frustrated by my stupidity.

I patted Bleu, keeping him calm from the commotion downstairs as Damien shuffled around.

“I could break this open with enough force.” He said, pulling at the decaying, rotting boards, that separated from the remaining panels of the roof.

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