Chapter 85

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As the sun dipped below the horizon, bathing the ancient city in an inky blackness, Aurelia and Octavia stood at the edge of a narrow alleyway, their hearts pounding with anticipation. The senator's opulent residence loomed before them, its towering marble columns bathed in the soft glow of flickering torchlight. Aurelia's emerald eyes glinted with determination, while Octavia's hands trembled ever so slightly. They exchanged a meaningful glance, knowing that there would be no turning back once they stepped into the shadows.

"Remember," Aurelia whispered, her voice barely audible over the distant sounds of laughter and music from nearby villas, "stick to the plan and stay close."

Octavia nodded, swallowing hard. "For Lucius," she breathed, steeling herself for the dangerous task ahead.

Together, they crept through the winding streets, their sandals silent upon the cobblestones as they slipped past the slumbering guards stationed at the entrance of the senator's residence. Once inside the courtyard, they paused beneath the sprawling canopy of a gnarled olive tree, scanning the villa for any signs of movement.

"His study should be on the second floor," Aurelia murmured, her thoughts racing with images of secret compartments and hidden rooms. "That's where we'll find the evidence we need."

Silently, they ascended the grand staircase, their breaths held tight as they moved through the dimly lit halls. Muffled voices carried through the air, causing Octavia to flinch, but Aurelia pressed on, her resolve unwavering.

"Here," she whispered, pressing her palm against the cold, smooth surface of a seemingly innocuous wall. With a gentle push, the hidden door swung open, revealing a dimly lit study filled with scrolls, parchments, and ledgers.

"By the gods," Octavia gasped, her eyes widening as she took in the room's contents. "There must be years of corruption hidden in here."

"Quickly," Aurelia urged, keeping watch at the door as Octavia began to rifle through the stacks of documents. "We haven't much time."

As the minutes ticked by, Aurelia's impatience grew. She clenched her fists, silently praying that they would find what they were looking for.

"Look!" Octavia whispered excitedly, holding up a scroll filled with hastily scrawled notes and figures. "This details his bribes, manipulations, and backroom dealings - it's everything we need to expose him!"

"Thank the gods," Aurelia sighed, relief washing over her as she took the damning evidence from Octavia. "Let's gather a few more scrolls, just in case. We cannot afford any mistakes."

As they collected the most incriminating documents, Aurelia couldn't help but wonder how her life had come to this point - risking everything to save a man she was forbidden to love. But as she thought of Lucius, his strength and kindness fueling her determination, she knew that she would do anything for him. And for Rome.

"Enough," she whispered, tucking the last of the scrolls into the folds of her stola. "We must leave before we're discovered."

"Agreed," Octavia nodded, her body tense with the weight of their mission. "Let's go, sister, and may the gods guide us safely home."

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