Chapter 1: Terrors

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(A dark forest, a heavy mist engulfs the ground.)

     I don't know what is chasing me, but the only thing I can think of doing is running. As I run, I hear sinister laughter, whispering, and one sentence said over and over again in a dark, ominous tone:

"You can't escape..."

     Just then, I trip on a branch and fall into a patch of mud. As I get back up, I see my reflection, but it's not my reflection. It's me, when I was sanitized...

     I scream, and then get up to run in a different direction. The evil laughter, whispers, and the "you can't escape..." keep echoing as I run. I begin to breathe heavily as I run. But before long, I stop in my tracks, frozen with horror.

     Just in front of me, I see Captain, Eight, Neo 3, and all my other friends strewn out on the ground, bleeding and terribly injured.

Standing in the midst of the carnage, I gasp as I see my sanitized self once again, although more terrifying than before. Their head slowly rises up to look at me. I try to move, but I'm frozen in place. I then hear Captain painfully say as the sanitized husk stands above her:

"Jaelynn... help... us..."

I reach for my weapon, but there's nothing there...

I can only watch in horror as the sanitized version of me looks back down at the Captain and sinks their Splatana Stamper into her back. They then look back up to me, and slowly begin walking towards me.

I begin to start moving backwards in fear as I notice what's different about my sanitized self: obviously what I looked like before is still there, but I look more discolored, and my arms are this time covered in the green sludge, forming into claws at my fingers and having small spikes throughout. My visor is shattered, and my eyeballs are more darker as well, having a grayish-black tone. My breathing has become so short and heavy that it's the only thing I can hear now, almost as if I'm hyperventilating.

Before I'm able to turn around and start running, the one free hand my sanitized counterpart has shoots in my direction, and latches around my neck and holds me just off the ground.

I attempt to thrash and struggle my way out, but it's no use. As the sanitized husk walks towards me, their mouth opens to speak, and their voice is also very glitchy and slightly deeper than my regular voice.

"Your world... will be lost. Everything you know... will be consumed."

At this point they're now right in front of my face. In the reflection of their eyes, I see, in one eye, my own reflection, and in the other is also me but with the sanitized sludge on my face.

"And you... will be the one... to do it all..."

They then throw me to the ground and raise their weapon to strike me. I raise my arms in a futile attempt to block the strike. I scream in terror:


I scream as I shoot upright. I frantically look around, still hyperventilating. I then realize that I'm no longer in that dark forest, but rather in my apartment in Inkopolis. I frantically look around, thinking something's lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. But after a moment, I don't see anything.

     I get out of bed and go to the balcony in my apartment and look out to the night sky and the waterfront of Inkopolis. I look down at my discolored hands, shining in the moonlight, and exhale as I look back towards the ocean, the sea breeze blowing through my hair.

"Just a nightmare..."


(Meanwhile, under the ocean in the Deepsea Metro, the same train station where Jaelynn was freed from her possession. The sanitization sludge that corrupted Jaelynn before laments about its failure. Enraged, it throws some rocks around.)

(3rd person POV)

     "That was MY CHANCE!!! Those... rancid cephalopods denied of my ultimate destiny! If only they hadn't intervened!!! ARGHHH!!!!"

     The sludge throws some more rocks around. It tries to smash a steel pole, but to no avail. Without a host, it's rendered basically powerless.

     But when the sludge thought it was over, and was ready to accept defeat for forever, a new opportunity arose.

     Just then, faint footsteps begin to sound across the hall, getting louder with every step. The sludge, realizing that a new host is within reach, is beginning to brim with excitement, but is a little skeptical of what exactly is approaching, it could be some little jellyfish. Still, it grew increasingly curious...

     "Hel- hello? Is anyone there?" The figure says as it reveals itself in the light, a female inkling, who's definitely seen better days, her hair hair running down to about her stomach on one side. The sentient sludge gets even more excited, a viable host to enact their plans again! The sludge is now doing everything in its power to get this mysterious new inkling under its control.

     "Over here! Are you lost? What's your name?" The sludge says, hiding itself from view of the inkling.

     "A- Amanda..." she replies.

     She inches closer to the sludge's reach. She has a little bit of a limp too. Her shirt is tattered. And cuts and bruises are all over her body. Just a little farther she needs to go, and then the sludge can strike.

     "I can show you the way out, just a little closer..."

Amanda finally was in reach of the sludge's range. Now, it could finally do what it's dreamed again.

"Here, I'll show you the way..." it says as it snares Amanda's arms.

Amanda tries to thrash out but it's no use. The sludge also snares her feet, the sludge now drops down to reveal itself to her. Dropping down to eye level. She tries moving again, but she's stuck in place. With a look of terror on her face, she asks:

"What... are you?"

The sludge, knowing it'd be recognized if it used its old 'name' quickly thought of a new name to use.

"I... am Anthrax. And you... are mine!"

The sludge then attaches to Amanda's face, and spreads along with the snares on her arms and legs to cover her entire body. She thrashes around, attempting to rip the sludge off of her face. Her screams are muffled as she bashes into walls. After about 30 seconds of struggling, she falls to the floor on her knees, silent.

The sludge now shifts around her body, forming armor in many places. Sharp claws and spikes form on her hands and throughout her body. The sludge parts around the eyes as she rises again and opens her eyes, now dark red in the pupils and bright green in the irises. A semi-deep, slightly robotic voice begins cackling maniacally.

As a test of strength, Anthrax's arm molds into a spiked mace, and smashes a steel pole with ease. They laugh once again.

"Yes, yes!! YES!!!! My redemption is here!!! The world shall crumble before my might!! AND THERE SHALL BE NO ONE THAT WILL STAND IN MY WAY THIS TIME!!!"

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