Ch. 7: Blessing of the Goddess

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"I got lost." I answered Alfred with a smile on my face, but my smile slowly faltered as I watched his face got through a series of emotions in just a few seconds-- disbelief, relief, astonishment, and anger.

"Y-young master, you... you were-- you, you got lost?" Alfred sounded so shaken up before his face turned red with anger and he began scolding me.

"Young master, you made us all worry! You had just woken up from a coma! You-- and you had just disappeared for a whole month before that! Why would you suddenly think to venture off by yourself without letting any of us know?! You could have told Allen Skyler! You could have asked for me! Either of us could have accompanied you! You made us all worried sick, Master Julius! You could've gotten hurt and we wouldn't have known! Why didn't you tell anyone, young master?!" Alfred rightfully scolded me, and I couldn't come up a good reason.

"I, I apologize. I wasn't thinking straight, Alfred," was all I could think to say as I lowered my head in shame. I had no real defence, because my reason for running away was only because of conjecture.

"I-I'll return with you to the centre chapel right away." I told Alfred before I started standing up, but the lead priest stopped me.

"No need, Master Julius. The temple priestesses can give their blessings here in the altar room. Rather, it may be preferred over the centre chapel," he informed us. I almost looked back at the statue of my little sister, but I stopped when the lead priest continued, "Master Fontaine, I will inform the priestesses, as well as her highness and Lord Velisaria."

He bowed his head to Alfred before leaving with a few nuns following behind him. Alfred let out an exhausted sigh as he massaged his forehead before looking back at me, and I immediately straightened my posture and kept eye contact. I didn't want to seem like I wasn't taking this whole thing seriously, that's why.

Alfred crossed his brows a little, not in a worried or angry sort of way though, just a "what am I supposed to do with you" way, before walking closer to the altar and kneeling on one knee before it, al while keeping eye contact with me.

"Master Julius, I won't ask twice and I won't expect an answer so I won't force you to give me one, but will you tell me why you had snuck away without telling anyone?" Alfred asked in a sincere tone, and I couldn't help but feel really bad for what I did.

I made him believe his young master, who from what I could tell he cares for like his own child, just disappeared before his eyes after learning he had lost his memories a few days prior. The unbounded worry and assumptions that must've gone through his mind would make any parent frantic. I know it would've made Gramps turn the whole world over to find me. Meanwhile, the reason why I ran away in the first place was that I thought he was an enemy, that I had been surrounded by people who'd want me dead. How do I even explain that to such a kind and caring man?

"Alfred, I, I just, I don't know. I don't have a good reason." I told Alfred as I bowed my head in shame.

"...I understand, Master Julius. We can leave it at that," he said with a tone of understanding, before he stood back up again, "The important part is that you're safe. The Goddess must have been watching over you for you to end up in this room."

I almost chuckled at that. She was the one who led me here in the first place.

"She's very kind." I just commented.

"Though, should I get up from this altar? Will the priestesses think I'm rude for sitting here?" I asked Alfred. I would probably seem like a trespasser after suddenly coming to a sacred room like this in their minds. I should get off if they do happen to think that.

"I don't believe so. They will likely be giving their blessings as you kneel on this altar, so I believe it'll be fine. You can also continue taking your rest there, young master. It is believed that the Goddess' spirit comes to the person standing in the middle of an altar, so this might even have a kind of healing effect on you." Alfred explained.

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