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The circus🤡

Cookie not fruit : ay yo

Niki Minaj : by NCT 127

Cookie not fruit : not that but
yeah, anyways I came to ask
you u guys something

Taeil's whore : another party
with NCT?

Choi☀: you got a party with

Yeonlsa❄: Who are you?

Taeil's whore : Scroll up a bit


Yeonlsa❄: Oh my God why is
this people here?

Yeonlsa❄: Forget everyone else,
why is San here!?

Choi☀: what's wrong with
me being here?

Binie bunny : nothing, my
man is just a huge simp for
your man

Keekee👽: oh tea🍵


Taeil's whore : you missed a
lot love, like a lot

Cookie not fruit : Idc what is happening but I just wanna
talk about the Halloween party

Jen Ee : Party? Really?

Cookie not fruit : Yes dude,
never been to one?

Jen Ee : I'm a Yujin huh, a she,
bitch not a dude

Winter❄: me too

Yeonlsa❄: You stole my emoji,

Winter❄: so?

Yeonlsa❄: What? Wanna fight?

Winter❄: try me Bitch

Jen Ee : girl why you wasting
your time on these mere men?

Real Jay Park : Ayyyy slay

Winter❄: you are a guy too

Real Jay Park : 🙄

Keekee👽: can I know about
the party?

Choi☀: me too

Cookie not fruit : tbh halloween
parties are kind stupid

Winter❄: didn't you bring it
up first?

Cookie not fruit : yes, but when
you look at it, it's just people
taking other people's identity
and using it

Keekee👽: I swear I wanna kill
you for ruining the fun

Cookie not fruit : but what ever,
I'm gonna take Harley Quinn's
identity this year

Yeonlsa❄: Maybe dress up as
my cousin instead.

Cookie not fruit : that's even
better, I love her, dark soft Emo

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