Chapter two

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Recap: if you didn't know, Katrina is her moms name, and since she doesn't call her that much, she calls her Katrina, by her real name. What Adam looks like ^.

I wake up my body shaking as I look around the room, relaxing a bit knowing it was a dream.

"Get ready!" Katrina says in a chirpy voice.

I frown in confusion, what kind of inadequate twist of fate has happened.

Getting ready, I go downstairs in a rush, wondering if this is a dream, but by pinching myself, I know it isn't.

"Katrina?" I shout out her name.

"Oh honey, you don't need to call me that?" Comes her voice from down below.

Definitely a dream.

To come downstairs and seeing her sweet is funny, and seeing her cook me a meal and not poison it in my eyes is another thing.

"Look honey, I want to apologize for all the times I have hurt you I love you so much."

I look at her in shock, even through the years of having a bad mothering figure, I still wanted one, tears escaped my eyes as I hugged her in happiness.

I finally get my happy ending, I can finally not have scars and bruises.

A women came out of nowhere smiling at the sight.

"Oh, I guess I had nothing to worry about," said the woman which I soon remembered was a neighbor of ours.

"Of course not, nothing really happens at the house don't worry, we just tend to fight a lot, no need to call in on the
police again," She said with a smile.

The woman nodded and smiled, hugging my mom apologetic.

As she left my lips turned down.

"All an act, huh?" I muttered to her.

Something flashed in her eye. A quick look of hurt, but it left as soon as it came.

"Of course, and you better shut up next time or I'll shove a pipe down your throat."

And I wasn't sure she was kidding.


"She actually did that, that's completely absurd," Anne said shaking her head.

"Please, comparing to the other things she had done, this is actually good news."

With an uncomfortable laugh passed us, I saw a hand gripping my waist.

"Hi," I smiled at Anthony.

"Hello," he said with a smile, cupping my cheek and planting a small kiss.

"I have to tell you, I, um, won't see you today so is it okay?" Anthony said nervously fiddling with his hand.

"Of course." I said with a smile, eyebrows furrowed.

He left in a rush, looking back every three seconds as if someone was there to hurt him.

"Well that was plain weird."

"Your telling me," She replied.


The bell rang, and in one swift movement I got up my seat and grabbed my bag, heading outside.

I walked and walked, deciding whether I should maybe heading back to "home" or not.

Taking another cigarette I look at it and frown.

"I'm not going to hurt myself just because my mom does," I muttered to myself throwing the cigarette and lighter into the garbage, but mainly in fear I will get caught by her again.

I ended up heading home, muttering incoherent sentences as I do.

I walk in and shut the door.

"Mom," I call out.

"I'm here," she says.

I walk in nervously, careful not to make any mistake.

"What's taking you so long, you want food or not, she says, getting angry.

I just walked faster trying to be on her good side, when she was in fact the one who made all the problems.

"I'm here," I said in a low voice.

"Well then, eat," she demanded shoving a plate to me, my stomach grumbled at the sight of a small chicken wing placed there, I grabbed it and ate it slowly.

I savored it  although it has tasted weird, soon I started choking, my eyes tearing up.

"What is this?" I asked in between coughs.

"Chicken, mixed with bleach," she replied.

I eyed her in frustration, glaring at her in full force.

"Dad's lucky he died," I said to her.

Her eyes blazed, knowing I did the wrong thing I ran out the door.
She grabbed my hair trying to yank me back, but I hit her running farther away.

"Just leave me alone," I said crying.

I huddled up in a corner crying, I heard footsteps coming my way, a kick then another one, until I feel like she stopped.

She sighs in resignation, normally her motto is let her lose consciousness or don't hit her at all, but seeming forgiving today even with the words I said, she left.

Waiting a good twenty minutes I got up, did my work, and kissed my dad's picture goodnight.


"Daddy!" My little six year old self screamed out, running to him in frustration



Still no answer from him, my eyes moisten noticing all the blood.

"What is going on mom?" I ask her crying.

"I'm sorry darling." She said hugging me and crying along.

Dream ended.

I woke up from my sleep, drifting down stairs I pour myself coffee that was already made, as I see a figure in the shadows with a similar cup.

Guess I wasn't the only one who had a bad dream.

Edited  February 22, 2016.

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