Chapter Fifteen

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It was lunchtime and Cassidy, and I sat at the back of the cafeteria next to one of the windows.

She was on her phone adding my number to her contacts, mutter to herself about something unknown. I was looking down at my sandwich, potato chips, brownie, and apple juice when I hear Cassidy groan from across from me.

"Are you okay?" I ask as I unzip the sandwich bag that held my ham and cheese sandwich.

"Ugh no," Cassidy mutters shaking her head.

"My cousin just messaged me and wanted me to come over to his after school, claiming his mom wanted to speak to me."

"Who is your cousin? Does he go here?"I asked biting my sandwich as she nods her head as she places we phone face down on the table and taking a bite out of her burger from the school lunch.

"His name is Tyson Bradford. He's from my mom's side." She says rolling her eyes. "I hate her side of the family. They're so snobby, well except Tyson and his sister."

My body freezes as I hear Tyson's name. Why did my only friend have to be related to Tyson?

I plaster a take smile and nod my head. "Wow, I wouldn't have expected you to be related to him."

Cassidy shrugs her shoulders. "It's whatever. He's pretty chill. It's just his mom that I can't stand."

I nod my head understanding. His mom is cruel. The way she spoke to me when she saw me for the first time when I went over for the project, she seemed prejudice.

"Yeah, are you going to go?" I asked taking another bite of my sandwich as she shrugs her shoulders

"I don't know. I don't want to go alone." She says putting her burger down with a look in disgust. "I'll probably end up committing a crime of murder if I go alone."

I nod my head and look out the window watching the same willow tree that sits alone in the back of the school. The branches and leaves swaying in the breeze not giving a care in the world as teenagers laugh around it as they gossip about what they only know.

"Hey! I have a perfect idea!" Cassidy says making me avert my eyes away from the tree and towards her.

"Which is?" I asked raising an eyebrow as she is practically jumping up and down in her seat.

"You should come with me!"

I tense up in my seat.

Me? Over at the Bradford place? Hell no! That's like a disaster waiting to happen!

Tyson would think I was stalking him and would automatically change his mind about being in our baby's life.

"Umm. I'm not sure. They don't really like me and me-"

"Oh come on, please! It would give me the opportunity to rub it in my aunts face that I do have friends."

Cassidy pleads to cut me off mid-sentence. I bite my lip as I watch her give me the puppy dog eyes with a pleading look.

I don't want Tyson to think that I'm not giving
him space. He needs space right now to think
and having time, the mother of his baby, over at his house with no invitation would seem like I'm
pushing too hard and breaking the boundaries.

"Cassidy, I don't know. Tyson doesn't like me, and I don't want to overstep any boundaries."

"Oh come on!" Cassidy whines placing her hands under her chin. "I'm sure if he knows you're my friend he won't be rude to you. Pleaseeeee."

I shake my head as I look back down at my plate of half-eaten food as Cassidy sighs.

"Why won't you come with me?" Cassidy asks with a frown. "Does he bully you?"

I don't say anything but stare at my food.

Cassidy gasps and shakes her head. "He does! Let me guess he even started it!"

Hook up from my food and shake my head.

"Cassidy it's okay it's no big deal. I've gotten over it."

Cassidy shakes her head and stands up from her spot and slams her hands down on the table.

"This is unacceptable! I'm not going to have my cousin treat my only friend here like shit!"

"Cassidy wait!" I say standing up from my chair as Cassidy shakes her head.

"No, I'm going to go talk some sense into him.
Aaliyah I'll see you tomorrow." She says grabbing her bag and walking out of the cafeteria.

I watch her as everyone watches us whispering
about what just went down. People are probably going to start saying I am going to get my ass kicked by the new girl or some are laughing because I can't even keep a friend for a day.

I retake my seat and put my head in my hands
and close my eyes.

Great, Cassidy is going to ruin her relationship with Tyson over me, and both Tyson and Cassidy are going to hate me.

Tyson won't want to be in our baby's life, and Cassidy won't want to be my friend anymore.

Why does my life suck?

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