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Mariah gasped and took a step back, she could feel Sheila shuddering in her arms and she wrapped her arms around her to protect her, though wondering why she was behaving like that but there was no time to think about that. The man before her already makes her heart beat faster than normal, “what are you doing here?”
Ilayas smiled, “oh my lady, up till now you have not realized that I could go anywhere I want, all I need to do is just think of it and I would be there.”
“What do you want from me?”
“You? Nay my lady,” he chuckled, “I am not here for you. The king invited me to his engagement party and as a very good friend of his, I should attend, do you not think so?” As if not noticing the fear rising in her, he walked slowly and calmly to the chair she had sat on earlier and sat down. He was now opposite her and more closer to her but Mariah backed away until she felt her back on the wall. “You look beautiful, aye, the title ‘queen’ do suit you.”
Mariah didn’t know what to say, all she wants was to be as far away from him as possible but she doesn’t know how to do that.
Ilayas laughed softly, “you know, when someone compliments you, you say thank you rather than thinking of running away.”
Mariah gasped, his words proving her earlier suspicions, “you can hear my thoughts,” she stated.
He smiled, “aye, I can. I can hear any thoughts I wish too. You are doing well, for your sake, t’s good you are here and also good that you have avoided him…”
“He is the one avoiding me,” she replied, she doesn’t want to look like she was obeying him.
“Aye, I know, but for your sake, t’s good he is doing that. Otherwise, you hold a very tragic faith with him, one that would cause you your existence.”
Mariah frowned, “what do you mean?”
He only smiled without saying anything and just then, the door opened, “there you are,” a man said and she looked at the door to see the king. Even if she could not recognize him, his royal robe already gave him away. He was a short man with bald hair and big belly. His crown settles on his head perfectly, the beauty of the crown alone was enough to make men steal. Mariah gulped staring at the man that was soon to be her husband and she almost retched. Before, even though she was disgusted by the king’s look, she was willing to overlook it for the power marriage with him would bring her but unfortunately, even the title of a queen doesn’t entice her anymore and she hates the idea of marrying a man like him.
A soft chuckle in the room reminded her that the strange man could hear her thoughts and she looked away immediately, not before sending him a murderous glare.
“Ilayas, you are here,” the king smiled, happy to see the man as he walked up to him.
“But of course Lugar, you invited me, it is by right I should be here,” he smiled, still on his sit.
Mariah was surprised, not only did he address the king by his given name but he also sat on his seat while the king stood. Who is this man? She wondered.
Ilayas turned to her and smiled and she looked away from him just as the king laughed.
“Oh please, you do know you are free to turn the invitation down if you cannot make it,” Lugar said.
“Oh but I do want to come, I want to meet your bride to be,” Ilayas replied, looking at Mariah.
King Lugar looked at her then, as if remembering her presence, “aye, I trust you have seen her.”
“Indeed, but she is too shy, she would not even look at me for as long as three seconds,” he replied.
I would not even want her to look at you, the king thought and smiled, “of course, maidens’ of Vagadon would not hold a man’s gaze, it is what differentiate my kingdom from the rest,” he said proudly.
“Aye, indeed,” Ilayas said and stood up, “well, you are having a beautiful bride, I must say that to you but now I really need to get to the hall, I am interested to watch how things are going out there. Please, excuse my leave and lady Mariah, I hope you would save me a dance, that’s if your husband to be would allow it of course,” he looked at Lugar.
“Of course, of course, you have my permission,” he smiled, not that I can say no to you.
Ilayas chuckled and bowed to Mariah before leaving the room. Lugar turned to her, his eyes lighting up in happiness, “you look very beautiful my dear, your father must have forgotten to mention to me how beautiful you have grown. Now come, let us go, when Jacob told me you were here, I couldn’t wait to see you but I wasn’t expecting to see you with Ilayas, it is good you were standing so far from him. That man is too handsome to be left alone with a young maiden like you; even I am terrified by his beauty.” He showed her his arm and she looped hers in it before they walked out of the room. As they were approaching the hall, the royal fanfare played and their presence was announced before they were seen.
People clapped and smiled but most of them, their smiles didn’t reach their eyes especially the maidens who would do anything to be in her place. How ironic, Mariah thought, here she was, ready to do anything to escape the marriage and there they were, ready to do anything to take her place.
The king led her to his throne, as she was not his queen yet, she could only take the seat reserved for the princess if there had been any. She sat by the king’s left side and by his right, sat his son the prince who she would have preferred marrying had her heart not have been stolen by Alador. She looked around the filled hall and her heart missed a beat when she saw the pair of black eyes watching her. The fact that he could hear her thoughts was making her uncomfortable and seeing him smile to her made her wish there was a way she could avoid looking at him but no matter how much she wished it, her eyes always go to him and he would always be looking at her and smiling.
The announcement was made and the people drank in good favor to them, after that, she danced with the king and she had to roll her eyes at that thought of being taller than her own husband. After their dance, others started dancing while they sat on their throne and watched. She could feel that the prince wants to dance with her but she could also sense his fear of what his father would say and she found herself happy about that. The thought of dancing with any other person was irritating and she knew no man would dare to ask for her hand. Oh but she thought so soon because she saw Ilayas getting up from his seat and smiling to her but just then, someone entered and everywhere quieted. She looked at the door at the same time as Ilayas and her heart stopped beating altogether when she saw him.
He was dressed in black clothing but she noticed it wasn’t the tunic she often sees him in, he looked like he belonged in the party but also above everybody else and the only person to match him was Ilayas because both of them looked like they were from the same place. His slivery white hair for once was arranged and like waterfall at his back unlike the other times it was flying around his face. His beautiful eyes were fixated on her and even though everybody was watching him, he matched straight to the throne and bowed without looking away from her, “with your permission my king, may I have this dance with the lady?” he then looked at Lugar.

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