Rhaena gets her dragon

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A/N: Jocelyn is Female Joffrey.

Asteria Targaryen

Dragonstone Castle, Dragonstone Island: 124 AC

The royal family was there to greet them when they landed at Driftmark and Asteria grinned as she saw her kin. Viserys, Rhaenyra, Laenor, Jace, Luke, Rhaenys, Corlys, Aegon, Aemond, Helaena, Daeron, and little Jocelyn. Alicent was not present but Asteria was glad for that.

"You've gotten so big!" she cooed at Jace, who hugged her tightly. Luke, Aemond, Aegon, and Helaena all swarmed her.

Vhagar, Selarion, Caraxes, Moondancer, and Alyssa's hatchling (soon to be drake) all flew to the Dragonmont.

"Everyone, meet my sisters, Rhaena and Baela." she said. "Hi!" Jace said, grinning at the twins. The twins gave tentative smiles that quickly became firmer as their cousins welcomed them with open arms.

"Do you have a dragon?" Aemond asked. "I have Moondancer." Baela said proudly. "I don't." Rhaena said glumly. "My egg never hatched."

"Neither did mine." Daeron said. "But I claimed Tessarion! She was waiting for me. Helaena's egg never hatched, and neither did Aegon's or Aemond's eggs. But Helaena claimed Dreamfyre, Aegon claimed Sunfyre, and Aemond claimed Vermithor!"

Rhaena smiled. "So my dragon is waiting for me?" "Yup!" Daeron said. Asteria smiled, glad Rhaena was finally believing in what Asteria, Daemon, and Laena had been telling her.

"It's good to be home." she mused softly.

Dragonmont, Dragonstone Island: 124 AC

Selarion landed in a clearing and Asteria helped Rhaena down. "Now what?" her sister asked, looking at her with wide eyes.

"Follow the pull. Trust your instincts." Asteria advised. Rhaena nodded before heading into the forest.

Let's fly. she urged Selarion, who nodded and took off. They circled the Dragonmont, spotting Dreamfyre, Vermithor, Sunfyre, Tessarion, Vermax, Arrax, Caraxes, Meleys, Syrax, Seasmoke, and Moondancer flying about.

She smiled. Moondancer had grown big enough to fly now, so it made sense that everyone would be helping her. She had given Rhaena basic flying lessons on Selarion for a few days before taking her to the Dragonmont.

A loud roar pierced the air, and she turned to see Silverwing burst from the Dragonmont, Rhaena perched on her back.

Silverwing flew over to Selarion, who crooned in greeting. Silverwing roared happily in return. "I did it!" Rhaena yelled from her spot on Silverwing.

"You did!" Asteria laughed with a smile. "Now come on! Let's fly!"

Rhaena has her dragon!

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