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"I am just asking you, what happened with you? I know something happened. You are looking so disturbed. Don't try to hide it from me" He repeated softly.

Liyana was looking at his face. He seemed worried for her. He always used to be protective of her.


Her eyes filled with tears in a moment. He was so worried for her, she was disturbing him, giving him tension for nothing.

What was she giving him in return of his care?

She was ashamed of herself for arguing with him. She shouldn't have spoken to him like that. She was feeling guilty.

"I had a fight today" She lied to cover up.

"Really? On what scale?" He didn't expect it.

"It wasn't very serious though" She said, tried to smile, but badly failed.

"With whom?" He made her sit him on the sofa.

"Hamna" She briefly told him about her made up story of what happened today.

"You shouldn't have said that to her. It's too disrespectful Lina!" He politely tried to correct her.

"I have realized that" She mumbled.

"Now what will you do?" He asked.

"I will apologize to her tomorrow and I will try not to do this again"

"My good girl!" He said in appreciation, patted her head.

Liyana sighed in relief. He was convinced with her lie. He didn't seem worried either.

"Do you still like me?" She looked into his black orbs, and wanted to hear something special.

"Of course baby bird!" He smiled at her.

Her heart fluttered hearing his words. He always like to call her bird. It was a nickname given by him.

"I like you too" She told him happily.

"Thank you" He said getting up from his place.

Later on the bed, when they laid down to sleep he took her into his arms. She rested her head on his chest and felt nothing but peace.

They didn't had relationship like other couples but what they had was very special.

Very meaningful.

Ezad was her comfort zone. He was so much to her. She couldn't imagine her life without him.

Her life was incomplete without him.

Indeed, he was her life.


Liyana's eyes were fixed on the professor Ezad Murtaza.

He was writing on the white board. Nothing was going into her head today, she was so engrossed in his personality that she couldn't hear his words properly.

He was looking very handsome in white dress shirt and black pants, his sleeves were folded at his elbow. His bearded face was stern.

His soft smile disappeared the very next moment, they splits as they reach university.

"Why he is so handsome" A girl from her group complimented his deviously handsome face.

"He looks like a hero. We have never got a professor like him. Man I can't decide if I see him or concentrate on what he is teaching" Another girl helplessly.

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