Chapter 20 - The clash of the Giants' Mouths

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"If you build an army of dogs and their leader is a lion,

the dogs will fight like lions."

The Witch's potion was truly miraculous

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The Witch's potion was truly miraculous.

As early as the day after the administrations began, the patients began to heal one after the other, regaining their strength within a few hours.

Finally, hope had returned to Basterwick too, and within a few days the plague could be said to be completely eradicated.

Daemon tried not to give privileges, but no one blamed him when he asked that Scalia be among the first to be cured; on the other hand, it was thanks to him that it had been possible to save so many lives.

"You feel better?" he asked when one morning he saw her walk into his office at City Hall fresh as a daisy.

"Absolutely. I can get back to work at any time."

"Just try not to overdo it. Lady Sylvie says it takes a few days for the dross of the disease to fully dissipate, and we need you fit for what lies ahead."

"It will be enough for me to eat half a wild boar, and I will be ready to start again stronger than before."

"And Isabela? How is she?"

"The busty one? Unbearable and conceited as always. She has already returned to the temple, to kiss the skirt of her mistress."

"You definitely don't like her and noble Sylvie."

"The Temple Guards have always been the watchdogs of the Circle, and it was the Circle that proclaimed holy war against our people five hundred years ago. I know you said about forgetting the past and moving on, but these aren't things you can just throw away as if nothing had happened."

"I also agree that the Circle is very different from what its founders had in mind when they created it in antiquity. But people like noble Sylvie sincerely try to restore Gaia worship to its original purpose, and think only of doing good. As for Isabela, you can't deny that she knows how to fight and is very devoted to the noble Sylvie, and I assure you that given the unflattering reputation the Guards have recently enjoyed, this is no small detail. You should try and give them a chance."

"Since you're the one asking me, I'll try to get along. But don't expect me to like them."

"I'll settle for it." the boy winked

The arrival of the satyr Thecla, dirty and exhausted from the long run that lasted all night, broke that relaxed atmosphere too soon.

"General Ron has left the Castle and is heading south. The entire Fifteenth Legion is with him."

A council of war was immediately convened in which Passe and Jack also took part.

"We knew they would mobilize." Daemon began «Actually they took longer than I would have expected. Ron must have waited for some supplies from the northern pass before moving."

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