Chapter 43

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Alexander’s POV

I threw another glass into the wall.

“Alex…,” Damien spoke, but I interrupted him.

“Don’t Alex me!” I screamed. “Where the fuck is my child?!”

I was fucking furious. It had been three days and we didn’t know shit. I didn’t know where she was. I didn’t know if she was okay. I didn’t know what the fuckers did to her. I didn’t know if she was hurt.

What did they do to my baby?

I knew that she was scared. I knew that she wanted me to find her. I knew that she needed me now more than ever.

But there was so fucking much I didn’t know.

Was my baby hungry? Was she thirsty? Was she cold? What did they do to her? Did they hurt my baby? Did they hurt my child?

“We are going to find her,” Damien said, his voice trembling slightly. “We are close, Alex.”

I clenched my fists and tightened my jaw. I wanted to punch him. I wanted to punch the fucker.

“We have to find her,” Eli said quietly. “We have to find her before they…”

He stopped talking and closed his eyes. He looked terrible. We all did. None of us slept or ate since the moment that bitch took her from us.

I didn’t need sleep. I didn’t need food. I didn’t want to sleep or eat. All I wanted was my child back. Nothing else. Nothing more. Just my baby back in my arms.

The door burst open and Will walked inside. He looked worst of us all.

And he fucking deserved it. Bringing that bitch into our lives was his fucking idea. It was his fault that she was taken. It was his fault that my baby was now suffering.

I wanted to grab my gun and put a bullet through his fucking brain.

He looked at me and took a deep breath.

“The bitch married Michael,” he said quietly, his jaw twitching.

I furrowed my eyebrows. What the fuck was he talking about?

“What?” Luke asked quietly. “Who married Michael?”

Will looked at him and gulped.

“Our mother,” he said, making my eyes widen. “She married fucking Michael.”

The room was silent for a few moments. I glanced at Eli and saw him staring at Will with a shocked expression on his face.

“You are fucking with us,” Damien spoke first. “She didn’t marry him. He killed our dad.”

Will looked at Damien and tightened his jaw.

“She married him,” he repeated. “Four months ago.”

Damien’s eyes widened. He started shaking his head a little.

“Are you sure?” Luke asked, his voice trembling. “Maybe you got it wrong. Maybe…”

“I didn’t get it wrong, Luke,” Will said. “I have proof.”

I took a deep breath and released it slowly. I forced myself to push my anger away. Now was not the time to blame him for what happened.

“Explain, Will,” I said, crossing my arms over my chest.

He looked at me and took a deep breath.

“I told my men to go through her credit card statements and phone bills,” Will said. “My contact in her bank told me she recently changed her last name. I recognized it as soon as I saw it.”

I sighed and shook my head. She was an insane bitch and I was going to kill her as soon as I got my hands on her. I was going to kill her and her insane husband. They weren’t going to get away with taking my child from me.

“We need to check if she is connected to any place they could be keeping Sophia,” I said, looking at Eli. “We couldn’t find her at any locations Michael uses. They could have used her new name to buy something.”

“My men are already on it,” Will said, making me look back at him. “They will call as soon as they find something.”

“If they find something,” Luke mumbled and I almost pulled my gun out.

“Luke!” Will scolded him. “They will find something! They have to find something!”

Luke tightened his jaw and shook his head.

“What if it’s too late?” he asked, narrowing his eyes at Will. “What if she isn’t ali…”

Oh, that was fucking it.

“Do you want me to fucking shoot you?” I asked as I pulled out my gun and pointed it at him. “Finish that fucking sentence if you dare.”

Will sighed and rolled his eyes. Luke’s eyes widened slightly.

“Put the gun away, Alex,” Eli said, shaking his head at me. “You won’t shoot him.”

I placed a finger on the trigger and narrowed my eyes at Luke. I wasn’t so sure. I would kill him if he mentioned that she could be dead one more time. I would kill him and I would enjoy it.

Luke looked at his lap and took a deep breath. I saw him gulp and shake his head.

“I am sorry,” he mumbled. “I am just so scared.”

I put my gun down and watched as Damien approached him. He placed an arm around his shoulders and looked at Luke.

“We will find her,” Damien said, trying to sound convincing. “We will bring her home.”

Luke looked up at him and I saw tears in his eyes.

“What if she is scared of us again?” he asked, making my heart race. “What if she won’t let us close? What if she shuts down again?”

I would fucking lose it if she didn’t let me hold her.

But that was a real possibility. She could shut us out again. She could be scared again. She could pull away from me again.

“She won’t, Luke,” Damien said, shaking his head. “She knows us. She knows how much we all love her. She won’t shut down again.”

I looked at Will and saw him looking at his brothers with a mixture of fear and sadness on his face. My finger on the trigger twitched.

Will looked at me and tightened his jaw.

“I will let you shoot me if we don’t find her,” he said, making the anger inside me explode. “I will let you put a bullet into my brain if she is dead.”

I gritted my teeth and narrowed my eyes at him.

“Oh, you won’t have to let me do that,” I said angrily. “If my baby is gone, I will make sure you pay for it, William. I will fucking kill you.”

Will took a deep breath and nodded. “And I will gladly let you do it.”

“Will…,” Damien spoke, but he was interrupted when Will’s phone rang.

He pulled it out of his pocket, answered the call, and put it on speaker.

“Tell me you have something,” Will said, looking back at me.

“We have something, boss,” his man said. “We believe that we found the house where they took her.”

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