Give in

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Kate's pov:

It had been a few days since the car incident now, and we had found one common point in between everything.

Hazel and Amilia meeting outside Cosa Nostra? David suddenly becoming this wise man? It was all connected to Russia.

The Russians were big in number, they didn't see or hear, they killed. And they didn't give you the easy death, they killed the way Rome Moretti did.

Could there army of men put our's to shame? Yes. Was it frightening? Absolutely yes. But did I trust Rome to manage at the end of the day? Without a doubt, absofuckinglutely yes.

"Leo needs some time Rome, he'll get suspicious if I suddenly pressurize him to fly back without David knowing."

"How hasn't your brother ever caught onto everything?" Rome asked, agitatedly.

We were in his office, sunlight flooding in, with men in black finely tailored suits standing behind. Rome was in a button up teal green silk like shirt, which since morning had me ogling him like crazy.

"Because to him it was our normal Rome. Because women being abused and used in the mafia world is nothing new." I asked, my shoulder tensing and mood getting sour.

"No real man would ever except that as their normal, and absolutely not when it's within family." he stated, his jaw clenched.

What the fuck did he want me to do about it. I got up and walked towards him, standing close enough for only him to hear me.

"What the fuck do you want me to do about it Rome? Crucify him? Lose the only family I've left?" I asked, with a sickly sweet smile.

He rubbed his temples, and looked behind me. I heard shuffling and then footsteps, with a final bam of the door shutting.

Rome circled his arms around me, his eyes softening.

"Mia cara, I just think he's old enough to understand your position and he should. You've sacrificed so much for them to live this life, don't you think they can be just a little more understanding about it?" he said.

"And that little bit understanding is demanding his acceptance for the fact that we're going to kill his only living parent." I exclaimed.

"After all this, David should be seen for what he is and not just for his individual relationship with someone." Rome stated.

I hated the way he made so much sense but I couldn't.

"Rome just.. just give me some time okay? I don't want him to hate me please. He's my only brother, my blood and flesh." I crokaed out, emotions making it hard for me to speak.

Rome looked at me and then nodded. I knew we didn't have time, we had to hurry up but- but I don't know man.

"I'm sorry," I muterred, looking down.

Rome cupped my cheeks and made me look at him, "Don't be sorry, you know that the only person that isn't at fault here is you. You're so kind, loving and compassionate even after everything, it just blows my mind." he said, pensively.

It removed some and some more of the heavy weight I was feeling in my chest.

"Thankyou- for understanding and everything really" I replied, and meant it.

He smiled and pulled me onto his lap.

"Rome!" I exclaimed. He just chuckled and tightened his grip on me.

Fuck I was now feeling hot in my cream sleeveless sundress. Did I have a heart condition? because everytime I was around this man it had me feel like I was getting electrocuted but in a thrilling way.

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