Prologue part 3

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Max glared across the table at his father. He was terribly pissed off with the situation. He couldn't believe that Jos was once again controlling his life. He didn't need a girlfriend to help him. He just needed time to work things himself.

"I can't believe you dragged the van Beeks into this," he scowled.

"It's perfect. Maja is the sweetheart of Holland. A true rags to riches story. She's grounded and clean cut with a perfect reputation. She's just what you need."

"I don't need a fake girlfriend," Max hissed.

Jos shrugged, unsympathetically. He went to the door when there was knock. He nodded as his lawyer walked in. They were in the presidential suite that Jos had booked. Max hadn't seen the van Beeks since Rayan's funeral when Max was 13. He drummed his fingers on the table in front of him. He stood up and poured himself a glass of water.

"They're here," Jos grinned when he heard another knock on the door.

The family lawyer stood up and opened the door. Max watched as Jaan, Doutzen, and Maja van Beek walked in. Jaan looks almost the same, just with more grey hair. Poor Doutzen looked worn out. Max knew that she had almost always been poorly when they were younger—cancer he believed. Maja on the other hand had grown up. Her chubby cheeks were gone. She moved with a level of grace Max had never seen before. He smiled a little before correcting himself and fixing an annoyed look on his face.

"Jaan, Maja, nice to see you," Jos shook their hands before turning to the frail woman, "Doutzen, I didn't expect you to come to Monaco. Welcome, dear."

"Thank you, Jos. Nice to see you again," Doutzen's voice quivered.

"Hi, Max," Jaan smiled hesitantly and held his hand out.

"Hello, Jaan," he shook his hand.

"Hello, Max," Maja smiled warmly. Her voice was quiet and smooth.

"Hello," he shook her hand.

Max and his dad sat down on one side of the table. The lawyer was at the head of the table, and the van Beeks were across from them. Max drowned out most of the talking that the lawyer did.

"This contract here agrees to a year long PR relationship," the lawyer said.

"One year?!" Max's voice went up, and he looked at his dad, "are you serious?"

"As a heart attack," Jos grimaced.

"Miss van Beek, you're expected to travel with Max to his races when you're in off season and spend time in Monte-Carlo, and Max will stay with you in Amsterdam during his off season," the lawyer went on.

"What?!" Max yelled, jumping up, "I'm doing no such thing!"

"Son, sit down," Jos stood up and put a hand on Max's shoulder.

"This is insane. Just because I got into one lousy fight?"

"A fight that landed you in jail! I spoke with some Red Bull executives, and they are in agreement that this is the best course of action."

"This is a fucking joke," Max muttered.

He looked over at Maja who was already signing her name on the papers. Jaan let out a sigh of relief. He pat Maja's hand and kissed her cheek. He could hear them speaking quietly. Doutzen hugged Maja quickly.

"Max, this is serious. The contract was sent over by Red Bull. If you don't sign, they're going to replace you," Jos's announcement silenced the room.

Max's face turned red with anger. He picked up a pen and scribbled his name down. He was quite literally shaking with anger. He had no idea how he was going to be able to practice later that morning.

"Wonderful. Miss van Beek, I will email you a copy of this," the lawyer stood up and shook her hand.

"You two love birds better get going to the track," Jos winked.

"Right," Maja nodded.

She stood up and walked over to Max. Max was slightly startled when she took his hand. He looked down briefly before grabbing his car keys.

"There are going to be people wanting to take pictures," he warned as he opened the hotel room door.

"I know. I know what I signed up for."

The two of them walked to the elevator and got in. Max pushed the button to take them down to the lobby. Maja squeezed his hand, and he felt himself relax a little bit.

"I'll post on Instagram about you with pet names and such. Do we want to hold hands and kiss in public yet?" Maja asked.

"Sure. Might as well make it believable. I'm sorry you got dragged into this, Maj," he used the nickname from when they were kids.

"I'm always happy to help an old friend. It's been cool seeing you win, Max."

"Thanks," he smiled at her.

Max held her hand tightly as the doorman opened the front door. Photographers were swarming, snapping pictures of them together. His car was pulled up in front. Max and Maja walked down the steps. The valet opened the passenger door. Max placed his lower hand on Maja's back and helped her into his car. He shut the door and handed the valet some cash before going around to the driver's side.

"Ready?" He looked at her.

"Yes," she nodded.

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