The Girl at the Door

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Edited 13/3/24

Chapter Two
The girl at the door

Leonardo Aloisio

I sat in my private jet as I typed away on my laptop. The work never stops. I'm on my way home, I have decided to stay with my family for a few months. It has been two years since I set foot here in New York but I made sure to call and check up on my family. The job I do is not safe for them, so I try to keep some distance between us.

Almost two years ago, my father was killed, and I had to take over his businesses, I was twenty-four at the time. It was not the kind of business that one would expect. Even though there was more than one business that I inherited, the main business was the mafia called red thorns.

Red Thorns is the most feared mafia in Italy.

My eyes drifted from my laptop when I heard Carlo, one of my bodyguards, telling me to put my seatbelt on. That's when I realized that the pilot was giving the same instructions over the intercom. I must have been too preoccupied to realize. I put my seatbelt on.

After the plane landed, I got into my limousine, which was waiting for me. The chauffeur started the car and drove to my mother's house.

When we reached the house, I got out of the car and went to the door. I rang the bell.

My mother opened the door and a look of surprise appeared on her face when she saw that it was me. Instead of hugging me like a normal mother would she said "Son nice to see that you're here, I thought that you would never make it" with sarcasm

"No need to be sarcastic, mom, you know I'm a busy man" I said, kissing her on the cheek.

She opened the door further "Yeah, yeah. Come your sister has something to tell you" mother ushered me inside.

We walked to the living room, where I saw my sister Isabelle who I call Isa sitting on the couch. "Leonardo!" She gasped as she ran and hugged me. I am older by three years.

"Isa" I greeted and returned her hug. We then sat down to talk. "So, what do you have to tell me?" I impatiently asked, getting straight to the point.

Isabelle wrung her hands nervously "I'm getting married!" She exclaimed. I stared at her wide-eyed. "He's a respectable guy who owns an enterprise." she informed in a lower voice

"I'm happy for you, little sis" I admitted with a bright yet tight smile. "What's his name?" I inquired

"Michael Carlton" she informed, I've never heard the name before. "When can I meet him?" I questioned, leaning back into the couch. This fiancé of hers is going to be interrogated.

"He's going to be here for dinner," she told. Great, I'll still be here. I nodded in response.

I was feeling tired and jet-lagged from my journey, so I decided to take a short nap. I informed mom and Isabelle and headed upstairs. My room was just as I remembered it, they didn't change a thing. I took off my shoes and my suit and went onto the bed. I closed my eyes and fell into the abyss...

By the time I woke up, it was evening. My mom and Isabelle were in the living room. Mom was wearing an apron that was filled with flour, so I assumed she was making dinner. I joined Isabelle on the couch.

"So, where's this fiancé of yours?" I questioned

"Have some patience Nardo" Isabelle scowled. Nardo is the name she chose to call me ever since we were small.

As mom walked off to go to the kitchen, the doorbell rang. "I'll get it" she announced as she wiped her hands in her apron, with great expectancy. I rubbed my hands together. Can't wait to terrorize this guy. I heard mom gasp and then shouted "Son!"

Isabelle and I rushed to the door. There, we saw a baby in mom's arms and a woman on the floor. "What happened?" Issa gasped

"I-I don't know, she just asked me to help her, then she fainted" mom replied

"What is she doing all the way out here?" I asked no one in particular. I lifted the lady off the floor and examined her. She was beautiful, her scarlet hair fitted to her pale rose skin. It was as if time stood still, and I was being drawn to her. A sense of peace overtook my body when I looked at her. In that moment, I felt like all I wanted to do was protect her with all my heart.
Wow! I sounded like a love-sick fool, ah!

"Son" mom hissed "Hmm"

"I've been calling you for a while now... Get her upstairs" she ordered.

The baby in her arms was crying really loud, so she lulled him. He kept crying anyway. I brought back my attention to the woman in my arms. She felt quite delicate. We walked up the stairs.

Mom was a doctor, so we don't have to bring her to a hospital... unless she is badly injured. When we reached the guest room, I gently laid the woman down on the soft, silky, creamy bed. I used my fingers to remove her hair from her face.

"Take the baby and go, I will look after her" mom assured her. For some reason, I was hesitant to leave her, but I did as mom said.

I returned downstairs into the living room with the baby in my arms. Isabelle came into the room with a guy that was carrying a briefcase, her fiancé I guess.

It seemed like Issa was telling him what happened with the woman.

The little baby in my arms was still crying, so I averted my gaze to him. He had his mother's scarlet hair, but his skin was a little darker. He looked so small and innocent. I wonder how his mother got into this situation. Her feet seemed beaten. Maybe she was running for a long time on the road.

"Mama, mama" the baby continued crying.

"Hello baby. Don't cry, you will see Mommy soon" I told "I'm Leonardo, what's your name, little one?" I cooed, and his face formed a wide grin,

"You know that the kid cannot talk, right?" Issa scoffed

"He's smiling at me, I think he likes me" I stated, smiling widely.

"Sure, he does Nardo" Issa said, rolling her eyes. What's her problem?

After a couple of minutes, mom came downstairs with sad vibes. "Mom is she okay? What happened?" I questioned in panic.

"The girl looks like she has been through a lot, son. One of her ribs is broken, and she seems she has been physically abused for a while now. Her skin has so many scars, some old and some recent" mom said with almost teary eyes.

"We should find out what happened to her when she wakes up" Issa chimed in.

"Yes, you're right" I agreed with a sigh. It pained me to hear about her in such a condition. Wanting to change the subject, I turned to Isabelle's fiancé and asked "So what's your intention with my sister?"

"Belle is the love of my life. I plan to love her unconditionally, give her whatever her heart desires. I will ensure that no tears of sadness come from her only tears of happiness. In the future, I wish to give her the family she desires." The guy said. I rolled my eyes when I saw Issa blushed.

"That's so..." Mom started but was cut off by a frantic shout.


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