34: please don't make me look like an idiot

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Luca's POV

Like every typical teenager, I can not wait for Fridays. Some look forward because they know they are going to get absolutely wasted tonight, and some are looking forward to being able to stay up late and have a Netflix marathon, but for me, it meant it was game time. Friday night lights were easily the best part of my week, and Monday through Thursday, consisted of me practicing and waiting for the ref to blow the whistle, signifying the game had begun.

However, this week, I had a different reason to look forward to Friday. Sure, we had our huge homecoming game tonight, but it was the day that I was going to be able to see my last name on Skylar's back all day long. Something I would take great delight in but never admit out loud.

"Well, she didn't back out"

I ignored whoever was talking to me and kept my attention on Skylar. Her book bag was halfway on, resting on one shoulder only allowing for the "R" in Reid to be seen. But by the looks on people's faces, I knew that one letter was enough to confirm that she was wearing my jersey. I could tell by her posture, that the attention was unwanted and she felt uncomfortable with all the school's eyes on her.

"When has she ever quit?" I asked turning to look a Thomas, my eyes narrowed.

I never confronted Thomas about his words to Skylar on her first day, mainly because I didn't care about Skylar then, but now, I can not help but feel a little anger that he would be so rude to someone as pure as Skylar. However, I also realize that if I ever said anything to him I would be the biggest hypocrite.

"She is a fighter for sure. I think she has lasted longer than anyone who has received my parents' scholarship. It's honestly impressive"

I pursed my lips, not having anything to say to Thomas. His parents' scholarship was for public image as his Dad is on track to becoming a senator. I knew they didn't care about giving a Mountain Brook education to others, if they did, they would have helped out with the student's transition instead of each student dropping out within two weeks. This was their way of helping the 'misfortunate'. The idea of someone viewing Skylar as a charity case made my whole body tense up.

I turned my attention back to the steps, but Skylar had already walked into the building and was no longer in sight. A part of me wanted to run into the building and keep an eye on her from a distance, but she was perfectly capable of handling herself. I also had to trust her who would tell me if anything was wrong.

I turned my attention away from the school doors, knowing if I kept staring I would be in the building without thinking. Blake, Bailey, and Marlee were now walking towards me and Thomas, and I was a little grateful for the distraction. Marlee was on her phone not paying attention to where she was walking, Bailey quickly approached Thomas so she could kiss his cheek, and Blake was basking in the attention of the girls of MBPA. I knew that smirk, I owned that smirk.

"Hey man" Blake greeted "you ready for the game tonight?"

"Of course. I'm ready to give them hell" I smiled

Blake laughed and we fell into conversation with the rest of the group.

Skylar's POV

My day went much more smoothly than I had thought it would. I could feel the stares on my back, but no one had made any snide remarks to me yet. I had been fully prepared to hear comments about being Luca's newest side piece but luckily no one had said anything, at least to my face.

I was sitting next to Cleo, waiting for the bell to signal we could go to lunch. We had both finished our assignments early and we had been mindlessly scrolling through our phone for the past twenty minutes.

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