Survival; Never Easy To Begin With

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*John's POV*

Entry 2

The snowstorm has stopped, and it has already reached sunset, I would enjoy seeing it, but for now, I must keep going.

Although, I always have an awful feeling about this friend of mine, or, is she even a friend? I don't know, she's the only girl who befriended me.

Though, my mother used to have some suspicions towards her. She warned me about her and I listened, but nothing went wrong so far, so I'm not so sure.

Entry 3

It is almost midnight, god I'm so tired my legs can't move! Luckily I found some place to stay for the night. I'm at some station known as Ballahoo. Weird name.

But whatever, I found a cozy place to sleep.

1986, December 3rd
Entry 4

Welp, suns up. Time to get a move on. Though I feel like I need transportation to get to my destination, cause the destination is very far. No way I'll be able to make it, espiecially without supplies.

For now, I should keep going. Hopefully I can find someone. Eventually.

Entry 5

Wow, I'm surprised that I found some transportation. I made it to a station called Crovan's Gate, I wonder why is it even named that? I may never know.

I was looking around this big station to find supplies, I found a few tools and some pastries, stale but not rotten. I even found a large unopened bottle of mineral water.

I looked out of the station to find other stuff I could use.

I came across a shed from afar, I looked inside, just incase. Then, I saw an engine. A red tender engine, covered in snow. With a snow plough.

The engine looked scared and upset. He noticed me.

"Who're you? And why did you come to Sodor?"

"I'm John Logan, I was invited by my friend to celebrate christmas here."

"What!? Have they gone mad? This winter chaos has started since the end of November!! Heavy snowstorms are everywhere!!"

I was confuse of what he meant. This started on the end of November? No way. By the looks of it, he's not joking.

Why did she invite me here, when theres a terrible snowstorm?

Neitherless, the engine was covered in snow. I asked what's wrong, he told me that his crew had been frozen to death inside his cab.

I checked inside and god it was a mistake, frozen bodies were in there. Seems like they don't have anything warmth on them, and the cold seems to be very strong, this seems very abnormal.

I dragged those bodies out and left them on the snow grounds, I can tell the poor engine is freezing.

I went around to find coal, and I found a tied bag almost buried in the snow, it was coal!

I burned the coal inside his firebox and his temperatur rised. I too had some warming time with his fire.

I asked whats his name, James he said. Sodor's No.5.

He told me that he's been here for a day after the snowstorm came. But somethings not right he said.

"Some of my friends started to act strange when the storm hits, they acted like wild animals."

Odd. Why would they act wild from the storm? Is it polluted?

Anyhow, James is tired of being here so he wanted to find his collegues. I have some knoledge of train driving so it's not too hard to understand the principles.

Since I have some transport, I can now move freely to my friends house.

*James' POV*

Entry 6

I have no clue of why some friend of John's would invite him for Christmas in this condition, yet why now? Christmas is just a few weeks away.

But atleast he was kind enough to get me warmed up again.

Well, now I'm out of Crovan's Gate and now I'm heading to Tidmouth, but first I have let John see his friend first. Cause why not. Better to have some upcoming Christmas spirit.

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