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"Can I get your room number please?"

I waited quietly as Lucifer answered the woman. He had not let go of my hand the entire time we walked down to the restaurant so I had no way of getting away. He also made sure I saw the gun hidden in his jacket before we left so I knew what could happen if I 'stepped out of line'. I was, obviously, still determined to escape, I just had to be more strategic about it.

Eventually the woman ticked us off a list and we were able to find a table. I stayed obediently next to Lucifer as he put some bags down to claim the table and then dragged me to the buffet section. I felt like a silly little puppy just blindly following him and there was nothing I could do about it.

"I assume you will want the pancakes." He stated as we approached the bakery section.

I agreed, flashing him a sweet smile to hide how uncomfortable I was. I hated the fact that he knew what my usual breakfast was. I never told him so he must have gathered it from stalking me before I even knew he existed. I had tried not to think too much about that since he told me but when he mentioned things like that which he shouldn't know it made it feel a lot more real which unnerved me.

As we got to the bakery section, he finally let go of my hand to grab plates for us. He handed me my plate while shooting me a warning look in case I tried anything. I took the plate and nodded reassuringly. I had already decided, as much as I hated it, that I wouldn't be trying to escape just yet. Even though it seemed easier to try and escape in the restaurant, it would likely not end well because he was already expecting it. He was already on his guard preparing for me to mess up and, knowing what he was capable of, I knew i would probably have to face horrible consequences if I decided to prove him right. If I was going to successfully escape from him, I realised was going to have to catch him off guard which I couldn't do just yet.

I set my plate up with what I wanted, then followed him around as he did the same. I noticed him relax as he realised I wasn't going anywhere which was good because it meant he was beginning to trust me. The more he trusted me, hopefully, the more likely he was to make a mistake that would allow me to escape. I had to admit, though, I wasn't sure how much longer I could take being around him all the time. I spent so much time holding my tongue and trying not to anger him, it was only a matter of time before I exploded and that terrified me.

We eventually made our way back to the table and sat down. I started eating my pancakes in silence while he stared at me for a few moments before also starting on his food. We carried on like that for a few minutes and I was grateful because it made it much easier to ignore his presence when he wasn't actively trying to talk to me.

"So," he began, finally breaking the silence. "I have booked the flight for later today so once we finish our food we can pack our stuff in the room and head straight to the airport. Now I would like to clarify, I don't want any messing about in the airport so that we can get there on time, is that understood?"

"Yes I understand" I replied. I could tell he was worried about this because of how many times he had mentioned it. I wanted to believe that meant I had a chance but I also knew he wasn't stupid and he could have taken some precautions he won't tell me about. He still hadn't clearly told me when the flight was and I had a feeling he was being intentionally vague about that. The more he kept me in the dark about what was going on, the more control he had over the situation and I hated it.

"What happens if someone recognises me?" I asked carefully. I knew that question could have landed me in trouble but I was curious about how it was going to work.

"I had thought about that, but I had someone I trust make a fake passports for both of us that no one will question, and I have some other ideas that we can discuss when we get back to the room"

I went back to eating as I processed what he said. I was surprised he actually answered me, I had expected him to brush me off and tell me how to worry about it. It felt weird to know that there may be more people involved in this. It made sense when I thought about it that he couldn't have got away with all of this on his own but it was still unsettling to consider the lengths he went to in order to get me here. I tried not to think too much about that and instead decided to ask something else.

"I was thinking," I began, trying to choose my wording carefully. "Why didn't you ever just ask me out instead of doing all this?" I knew it was simply because he was clearly not right in the head, but I had wondered how he justified it to himself.

"I had considered that, but I couldn't take the risk of you turning me away. While I knew we were meant to be together, I couldn't be sure that you would be on the same page so I chose a way that would ensure we could be together forever."

"But what if I never get on the same page?" I knew I was going into dangerous territory with that question but I felt relatively safe by the fact we were surrounded by people. While I knew he could still punish me, I doubted that he would want to cause a scene in front of everyone if he could help it.

He stayed quiet for a moment, I assumed to process my question, before he gave an answer.

"I highly doubt that we would ever end up in the situation because, as I said before, we are meant to be together, but, for the sake of the question, if you never accept my feelings for you, It would be enough for me that you will still be here with me no matter what. Of course, we don't have to worry about that because it's never going to happen" he explained with a smile.

I couldn't bring myself to say anything further so I just focused my attention on my food again. Part of me had hoped that maybe if he realised how delusional he was he would give up so it was incredibly scary to be faced with the reality that he would still do everything he could to make sure I stay with him even if he knew I would never love him. It began to dawn on me just how permanent the situation could be. While I was still determined to escape, I could also see this life with Lucifer becoming a new normal and that was horrifying. I couldn't stand the thought of spending the rest of my life trying to get away from him. I shoved those thoughts aside as I snapped back to reality. I had to escape, I refused to let there be any other option. I then finished the last piece of my pancakes and looked over at Lucifer to see he was done too.

"Are we ready to go?" He asked, smiling warmly at me.

I told him I was ready and smiled back as he grabbed his bags and walked around the table to help me up. I bet he looked like he was being thoughtful when in reality we both knew he was just doing it to make sure I was holding his hand again when we walked back to the room. I took his hand and let him guide me back to the room where we could be alone again.


I am so sorry for taking so long to update. I completely ran out of ideas for this story and was stuck on this chapter for ages. I do have a better idea now of where I want to go with this so just bear with me please and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'm not entirely proud of how this turned out so I might edit it later but I wanted to post something.

His obsessionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora