Ch. 6 - The Weasleys

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6 Years Later

I raised my head sharply, my nose lifted in the air curiously. Something was... off.

"Shadow..." Jenny muttered from across the attic, raising herself in a defensive position.

"I know." I replied quietly, standing up on all fours. There was a small clatter from downstairs and loud, childish voices along with a hushing, male voice. I could pick up a few words, but nothing more than that. James crossed to sit beside us, and my two friends peered at me expectantly.

I strained my ears to pick up the voices' words, that were growing louder by the minute, while shuffling my growing wings nervously.

"...James... a big cat... girl..."

I snorted, "I am not a cat!" I snapped, advancing towards the door. The voices stopped abruptly, then the door suddenly flew open, making me jump backwards in fright.

James was unusually silent, until; "Millie!" He cried, running towards a group of people. I snarled protectively, standing in front of Jenny. Nobody would hurt my friends as long as I lived. James hugged an older girl, who looked no more than fourteen. Jenny stroked my fur soothingly, "It's alright, Shadow. Don't be afraid."

She smiled warmly, but I just growled lowly, "I am not scared." I huffed, flopping to the ground in despair. I had all but dreamed of being rescued someday. Inside, I was just as fragile as anyone.

There was a man with fiery red hair, and stress lines creased permanently into his brow and there was a whole group of children who looked suspiciously like James. Did he have siblings?! I growled, "What do you want?" I muttered, yet my powerful voice seemed to silence everyone in the room.

"I'm Arthur Weasley, I'm here to take you back." The man stated gently.

I scoffed, "Where have we to go back to!? We've been here for twelve years, Mr Weasley! So, pray tell, where have to to go back to!?" I hissed with so much venom that Jenny had actually backed away from me. My eyes were colder, darker and harder than obsidian statues, while my jaw was clenched in frustration. Jenny frowned, "Shadow..." She started apprehensively.

"It's too little too late, but thanks for the heads up." I spat, shoving my way past them all and down the stairs of Grimmauld Place. Had it really been twelve years?

I sighed, shaking my head, then I turned my head back as I felt a little hand on my side. It was a small boy, who looked more like James than any of the others and seemingly had a limp. "Otto, be careful." James mumbled from the group, still clinging to the girl who was smiling radiantly. I was almost jealous, but then again, no one else had wings and the softest fur you could stroke.

Otto's mouth was in a little 'o'as he spoke, "Pweez come, Shadow. Jams needs you." He pouted, and had me instantly wrapped around his little finger. The thought of children had always disgusted me, but this one was different. He knew what he was doing was risky; I mean, come on, approaching an angry Shadow Claw? That was just crazy - still is.

I paused, "Oh."

The realization that I was possibly the last of my kind overwhelmed me suddenly. I would never find a true mate to love me; they would all think I was some kind of monster. Not that I wanted a mate, pft, no way. Though, I might have been the last Shadow ever. There were no more of my kind out there, just other species of Claws... what a nasty thought... I shuffled my wings - an action of habit over the last few years.

I shook my head slowly, "Okay." I whispered softly, bending down so that little Otto could climb onto my back. He gripped my scruff with his hands gently, and hugged my back, his legs sliding down just beside my wings. "Tank you, Shadow." He giggled quietly. A pair of twins, younger than Otto, played with my tail quietly, except for a few giggles now and again.

Arthur Weasley nodded, "Okay kids. This way!"


Finally, after hours of flying back and forth from Mr Weasley's house in a Ford car, we all made it to The Burrow. It took four trips to get us all there! The Burrow was a house of curiosity, as I padded beside James and Jenny, Otto sleeping on my back peacefully. I didn't spend too much time examining the house, because the sun made my eyes hurt. I had been locked away for twelve years with little to no sunlight whatsoever.

The warmth of the light made me purr gently, and feel the soft earth beneath my dark paws. Outside! What a beauty the world was, indeed.

"Okay, James, Jenny and Shadow, come inside, the rest of you stay outside just a little longer. We don't want Molly getting too overwhelmed." Arthur said to us all. I looked up at Millie who was approaching me, her arms outstretched towards Otto. I licked his little hand before allowing her to take him away from my back.

"How was your day, dear?" A female voice came from inside The Burrow as Mr Weasley entered, Jenny and James hot on his heels.

"Nine raids today." Arthur puffed, sitting down on a chair. I slowly made my way into view, my ears flicking and my nose twitching at the new sounds and smells. There was a long table with quite a few people on it. There was an older boy, two tall twins, Mrs Weasley, a young girl, a brown haired boy with a lightning scar on his head and a ginger haired boy about the same age as the brown-haired one.

"Did you find anything?" Mrs Weasley asked curiously.

"Funnily enough, I found a whole family, a girl and, I know Percy will like this, a Shadow Claw."

An older boy at the end of the table scoffed, "Dad, they're ext-... holy Bloody Baron." He muttered, spotting me lingering in the doorway. I lowered my ears, not particularity enjoying the attention.

Suddenly, an ear-shattering silence shot through the room as Molly Weasley stared at Jenny in awe. She dropped the item she was holding, not even noticing as it clattered to the hard floor and shattered into a million, sharp-edged pieces.

"She looks just like Lilly..." She whispered.

BAM! How do you feel?! Who do you think Jenny really is? :0 It's a surprise for next chapter! Vote, comment and follow if you want to :)

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