25) Hurt

330 7 0

⚠️TW-SH, alcohol, depression and eating disorder⚠️

Charles POV

"Stella?" Carlos says calmly

"STELLA?!" I say stressed kneeling beside her. Carlos was frozen still like a rock. "Carlos go and get someone"

"When's your interview?"

"5 minutes"

"Okay, why don't we do this? I'll go and you'll say it's a family emergency and then after you'll join in the hospital. Got it?" I didn't reply. Too much was racing through my head. "CHARLES!"

"Huh. Yeah, family emergency got it."

"Then go and get ready. I'll deal with this"

Carlos POV

As Charles walks out of the room I'm sitting next to her. If she's starving herself again like she used to do this isn't good. I pick her up and set her down on the sofa and ask Riccardo for help. (race engineer not Daniel)

"Hey Riccardo"

"Hey, good race today. You're going to be late for your interviews."

"I need a small favour.."


"So you know Stella right?"

"The brunette one who was sitting down watching the race?"

"Yeah her. Now you have to act calm when I tell you this" He nods "She passed out and I need to get her to the hospital"

He breathes out " Is she okay?"

"Well I need you to help me"

"Of course" We both walked into Charles's driver's room. It was time to think.

Charles POV

I have to stay calm. She's in the hands of Carlos. She's fine. I walk up to the interviewer for Sky.

"So Charles, would you say that was a difficult race?"

"I mean.." Breathe Charles. Just get through this "Obviously it wasn't our best race but the car had a little bit of trouble throughout the weekend and we tried to find what it was and we couldn't but hopefully now we have a bit of time to have a look." See you did it

"What do you mean by trouble? Oversteer, understeer?"

"The track is not one I'm very used to so I've been on the sim trying and I think having the problem didn't really help but like I said we are trying to find it before the next race."

"Great. Can I also say I don't see Carlos here will he be here soon?"

Just like he told you "he's had a family emergency so he's had to go but he sends his regards."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Thank you, Charles"

That was the last interview. I bet after I said that everyone's going haywire.

I get my phone out and immediately call Carlos

"Hey Charles"

"Hey, where are you? How's she doing?"

"We just got to the hospital. About to leave the car. Just come quickly."

"I will. Also, I think everyone is expecting you to go to Spain."

"I need to go anyway so I'm guessing she could stay with you for a bit in Monaco or here"

"Yeah sure thing"

"Get here quick. See you in a bit"


I got out of my race suit, changed, got everything and left.

F1 Bosses

Maxy Verstompy
Hey Carlos we heard what happened. Is everything okay?

Lord Percival
He's currently at the hospital right now

Little Man
How did he get to Spain so fast?

Lord Percival
The press doesn't know he's at the hospital right now so just say he's on his way to Spain

Father 2
Charles, are you going to tell us or not?

Lord Percival
So Stella passed out in my driver's room

Father 1
Is she okay? Our daughter Nico...

Lord Percival
We are not sure but she is with Carlos and I'm on my way there. We'll give you any updates

Father 2
Send her all our love ❤️

Carlos POV

Look at her. Her hair and her beautiful face. My best friend. But she's lying in a hospital bed.

I was interrupted by my thoughts when Charles burst into the door. "Is she okay?"

"Yeah, she's fine"

"Do we know why she passed out?"


"Okay few" I let Charles sit next to me.

"So did you do everything I said?"

"Yep. All the drivers texted on the chat"

"I haven't even paid attention to it. I've been too worried about her. I don't want her to go back to her old ways"

"What ways?"

"Drinking, not eating, harming herself, not asking for anything, feeling alone, depression and locking herself out from the world"


"Yeah. She always came to me. We were neighbours you know. She was lovely. Until her mum started drinking. Everything went downhill. I knew her better than her mum did. Her mum will forever hold that grudge."

"Who was the nurse who changed her?"

"Julia I think her name was. Why?"

"I need to speak to her"

780 words

Hey everyone!!

I loved writing this chapter. I will be trying to post every Saturday

Don't forget to vote and comment


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