✨ Lie nr. 29

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He doesn't have to cry

"You look... Stunning!" Luna, my brother's soon to be wife, tells me upon waltzing into her wedding suit.

"Hey, today you have to let other people hand out the complements, you know. This is your day!" I smile at her as Grace, one of the other bridesmaids is helping Luna button up her dress. Luna looks at me through the mirror. "Already smiling bride, you get it, bride smile? Nevermind," I shake my head at an attempt to get my nerves out of my system. 

"Look at you!" Sophia walks out of the bathroom upon the little commotion, giving me a knowing smile. Oh, I almost forgot. Sophia Olson, Ezra's girl. Since Rémy and I are dating, that makes us family? It's weird since I have known her longer than I have known Rémy, since seeing her al Luna's house a few times before the wedding and then all through the wedding prep and bachelorette stuff. Little did I know she was literally his sister-in-law. Like hello, small world? "Being with a Miller rubbed off on your humor." She smiles at me.

I can't hide my smirk as I turn to her, and Sophia instantly goes in for a hug. "How did you know?" 

"Ezra texted me last night." Sophia grins. "He couldn't shut up about it. I was already half asleep when he started rambling about your little bar adventure last night."

"Oh yeah... that." Luna starts to join the laughter. "I heard what Jules and Ezra did last night, ruining your romance because they weren't getting any..." Luna is still laughing as she tries to put in some earrings. "Your brother will come around. Don't worry, I'll talk to him later. Rémy is a good guy, he just has been through so much."

"I know." 

"I kind of like a guy with an edge. Especially a Miller. They can't all be angelic golden retrievers like Levi." Sophia's eyes go wide as that was just a major sneer towards Grace's fiancé. Also, one of Jules' teammates.

"I love my golden." Grace smirks and now Luna turns around, a nervous yet excited look on her face.

"How do I look?" She smiles as she gives us a twirl in her dress. It's beautiful, elegant, nothing too over the top, yet sparkly and just perfectly Luna.

"Jules is going to cry the second he sees you." I mutter as my gaze lands back on Luna's expression.

"He better!" Sophia jumps in. "If he doesn't, I'll make sure to get the getaway car faster than a Taylor song." 

"I'm not going to run Soho!" Luna laughs loudly. "He doesn't have to cry either. I'm kidding, I want to see tears."

"Oh he will." I assure her as even I have a hard time keeping back the waterworks at the sight of her.

Grace chuckles. "Big, tough hockey player reduced to tears as the love of his life walks down the aisle. It's the stuff romance novels are made of." She says in her broadcast voice. It's literally her job as she's one of the only female sports broadcasters with a fierce fashion sense and her podcast, Puck & Posh, about hockey players and their game day fits and style is changing the game of brand deals for these players. You wouldn't be surprised Levi is the best dressed hockey player in the NHL.

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