Chapter 36 - THE TOWER

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Gloomy was a word to define the other world.

Wren looked around. Clouds hung in the dull, grey sky, looming in the distance. The air around them was cold. A tall, rather run-down tower stood in the distance, and the land was surrounded by trees, nothing else. No villages, no shops, no castle, no nothing.

Just a tower.

Jake was next to get into the portal, landing in the other world. Wren took a step ahead of her and looked around to see that they were standing on an island - surrounded by a vast of ocean.

'Oh damn,' whispered Wren hoarsely.

Jake gazed around, his jaw tightening.

'If we don't make it out of the portal, we're stuck here,' he said. 'And this is creepy. It's not good. There's a tower. A tower and dead trees.'

Ladislaya whimpered behind them. 'You're sure the portal will stay open?' she whispered to Wren.

No. No, Wren wasn't sure.

She kicked herself for having thought of asking the High King. Why, why, why, she cursed herself. But it was too late now. Instead, she walked towards the tower.

'This is the key to the Soulstone,' she said shakily, 'and I'm sure of it.'

No, she wasn't.

It was funny how easily a lie could seep into your mouth without even realising it.

'Is this another kingdom?' Jake asked. 'I don't think so, do you? Apparently, there's no one here -'

'It's deserted,' Wren said. 'We're on an island, and that portal better not to close, or I will -'

'I want to go back,' Ladislaya said suddenly.

Wren and Jake whirled around. 'What?'

'I-I don't feel safe!' cried Ladislaya. 'I mean, what if the portal closes and we never get to come out? If it really does close,' she paused and shuddered, '- if it does, I'll know and I'll be able to do something about it. Someone should stay in there. Besides, it's giving me the chills in here.' she sniffed.

'She's right, someone should stay out,' Jake said, his voice on an edge.

Ladislaya looked relieved. 'I'll go.'

Wren nodded. 'Right. So just - go to Nathaniel or something if it closes -'

'- just do whatever seems right if it does,' Jake told her.

'Yeah,' Wren said, her voice higher an octave. 'Right. Uh - we'll go then.'

Ladislaya threw herself on Wren and hugged her so tight she felt like she was suffocating. 'Good luck,' she whispered.

'It's not the end of the world,' Wren smiled, shrugging.

'Well, just - you know - if there's anybody in there,' Ladislaya whispered. 'Be careful,' she added to the both of them before heading back to the portal.

Wren turned to Jake. 'Ready?'

Jake gave her a nod. 'Ready.'

Together, the two of them headed for the tower. There were no guards guarding the heavy, oak doors. Wren reached for the ring handle when a gush of wind rushed towards them, almost knocking them both off their feet. Followed by the wind was a rushing silhouette, hanging in the air. Jake gaped and Wren rubbed her eyes. The shadowy figure hissed and beckoned closer towards them both, its twilight wings carrying a soft, silver glow fluttering in the air and its eyes as glowing orbs of iridescent glaring down at them.

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