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Thank you so much for reading this story—and sticking it through to the end. I can honestly say I would not have finished it except for you: @CEBronk, @CFarley982, @donnaf1828, and @Oliver-Hoffmann.

This story first took form in 2012, and it went through multiple from-scratch rewrites, which ultimately created "parallel universes" that couldn't all work together as much as I wanted them to. However, it took until this past NaNoWriMo to realize I do not need to tell this story anymore. My original reason for wanting to tell it got lost in all the different permutations it went through. The story lost all sense of itself.

So if things seemed kind of off with pacing and revelations and discontinued plot're spot on. I was intending this story to be a trilogy, with Faye finding out about her past the focus of the first book. Figuring out how to defeat Dorian would have been the focus of the next two. But since I realized I can finally put the story to rest entirely, I decided to wrap it all up in this first/only book. I may remove it from Wattpad after awhile here.

I hope you don't think this story was a waste of your time—your comments and reviews and reading and my writing of it have certainly not been a waste. And I am eternally grateful that I had readers to convince me to finish this instead of leaving it hanging, eternally incomplete.

Thank you.


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