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                                     𝘒𝘌𝘕𝘠𝘈 𝘔𝘈𝘘𝘜𝘐𝘕                                          𝘏𝘖𝘜𝘚𝘛𝘖𝘕

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𝑲𝑬𝑵𝒀𝑨 chuckled walking out her cabin with willow and lyric and zadie being met with a bunch of people around at different stations playing carnival games

"damn they already started?" lyric said

"yea and you guys are late" ms viola said coming near the four girls

"sorry ms viola" Kenya said

"don't say sorry to me girl u should be saying sorry to that kissing booth your suppose to be running" ms viola said

"im sorry kissing booth.. I thought I was running the cotton candy booth" ms viola said

"every other booth is already full with other teens but nobody picked kissing booth so you and your girls are running it" ms viola said

"but I don't wanna kiss anyone." Kenya said lowly

"figure something out cause you ain't bouta play with my money" Ms viola said then walked off

"girl u not gone kiss nobody, nobody goes to that booth anyway" lyric said

"I never had my first kiss and I don't want to with no random" Kenya whined

"girl I promise you your not gonna kiss anyone zadie gone do all the kissing" willow said

"me doing all the kissing with a bunch of randoms yeah im good" zadie said putting her hands up

"I wonder what booth the boys are doing" lyric said

the girls made their ways towards the booth kenya had a frown on her face cause this whole thing caught her off guard

once they approached their freshly set up booth they got right behind it

kenya sat in the chair in front of the booth and frowned

she noticed these group of boys were fast walking near the booth

"oh hell no!" lyric said looking in their direction

kenya quickly covered her face with her hands hiding her face

the boys formed a line making all the girls grown confused

they really thought nobody was gonna come but they thought wrong.

"no way" zadie said shaking her head

kenya quickly stood up going right behind the three other girls who stood in front of the line

"okay yall gotta chill out" willow said

"man is a kissing booth tf u mean chill out" one of the boys spoke

"oh your ass definitely not getting a kiss" lyric said

𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌 𝐆𝐈𝐑𝐋 ᵇʳᵃˡᵒ Where stories live. Discover now