(4) Fading wings of happiness

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It's been 5 years since Lucy Gray welcomed little Lumi into the world. Now, Lumi has become a sweet and caring kid.

She loves animals and is not afraid of them; instead, she plays with them. Surprisingly, Lumi has a soft spot for snakes, just like her ma.

Her hair, longer now, hasn't gotten darker and remains a bright blonde, almost like pure white. While she got her mom's curls, everything else is a mirror image of her father.

Lumi resembles Coriolanus so much that she's scared she'll end up just like him, and that thought lingers like a shadow in the back of her mind. Yet, deep down, she knows it's impossible—she's her own person, with her own heart, and she'll forge her own path.

Lucy Gray and Lumi share a special bond, and it's heartwarming to see how Lucy Gray has created a loving and nurturing environment for her daughter.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As Lucy Gray tidied up the dirty clothes, she peeked out the window and noticed the snow had melted.

"Lumi, look! The snow melted. Go outside, darling. I'll be there in a minute."

Without hesitation, Lumi darted out the door.

Hand in hand, Lucy Gray and Lumi strolled to the meadow near the cabin. While Lumi chased butterflies, Lucy Gray continued playing the guitar.

"Ma, look at this one!" Lumi exclaimed, holding a delicate butterfly in her tiny hands. Lucy Gray smiled warmly, capturing the moment with a heart full of joy.

"Oh, sweetheart, that's a beauty! Nature's wonders never cease to amaze, do they?"

This world, it's dark
This world, it's scary
I've taken some hits, so
No wonder I'm wary
It's why I
Need you
You're as pure as the driven sno-

In the middle of her singing, Lucy Gray heard a thud. "Lumi, are you okay?"

Lumi quickly responded, "I tripped," and she swiftly got up, continuing to chase butterflies.

Sometimes, Lucy Gray hoped that instead of Lumi picking herself back up, Coriolanus would be there to help her, holding both of their hands as they walked back to the cabin. But maybe that was only possible in some other universe, not this one.

After a while, Lumi tripped again, and this time she didn't get back up. Lucy Gray, worried, rushed to her.

"Lumi, are you okay?" she asked.

Lumi, looking tired. Lucy Gray noticed something was wrong—she seemed weaker and had a slight fever. Concerned about the symptoms, she gently held Lumi, realizing it might be more than a simple stumble. Worried about an illness, they went back to the cabin, uncertain of what lay ahead for Lumi.

Back at the cabin, Lucy Gray sprang into action, reaching for her old herb book. She carefully studied the pages, trying to find remedies for Lumi's symptoms.

With a mix of herbs and natural remedies, Lucy Gray did her best to nurse Lumi back to health. For a while, it seemed to work—Lumi's energy returned, and the symptoms temporarily subsided.

However, as the days passed, the illness resurfaced, proving to be more persistent than Lucy Gray had hoped. The worry in her eyes deepened, realizing that her makeshift remedies could only do so much.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

As the seasons changed, Lucy Gray tirelessly cared for Lumi. She brewed herbal concoctions, created soothing teas, and tried various remedies suggested by the old book. At times, Lumi's health would improve, bringing a glimmer of hope to their humble abode. Yet, the cruel reality lingered—no remedy seemed to provide a lasting cure.

─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───

Eight years had passed since Lumi first fell ill

As Lumi reached the age of 13, her physical growth unfolded like the pages of a story.

Her bright blonde hair, reminiscent of sunlit snow, cascaded down her shoulders, framing a face that bore the traces of both her mother's curls and her father's features.

The once petite figure had gradually transformed, gaining a subtle grace that hinted at the bloom of adolescence.

On Lumi's 13th birthday, she fell ill, worse than ever before. She couldn't breathe properly, couldn't move, and had a high fever. Her face turned very pale, and it was clear something was seriously wrong. The day that should have been a celebration turned into a worrying time for Lucy Gray, who did her best to comfort her daughter.

Deep in the meadow, under the willow
A bed of grass, a soft green pillow
Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes
And when again they open, the sun will rise.

Here it's safe, here it's warm
Here the daisies guard you from every harm
Here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Deep in the meadow, hidden far away
A cloak of leaves, a moonbeam ray
Forget your woes and let your troubles lay
And when again it's morning, they'll wash away.

Here it's safe and here it's warm
And here the daisies guard you from every harm
And here your dreams are sweet and tomorrow brings them true
Here is the place where I love you.

Lucy Gray sang the lullaby that usually comforted Lumi, but this time, nothing worked. Not even the herbs made a difference.

The fear gripping Lucy Gray at the thought of losing her daughter is like a suffocating shadow following her at every moment. It's the fear that steals her sleep at night, leaving her tossing and turning with anxious thoughts. The idea of a future without Lumi feels like an unbearable void.

Lucy Gray felt fear like never before, even more than when she dodged bullets in the woods, She looked through her options and reluctantly settled on the one she dreaded the most — she had to return to District 12

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