about me

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Hello all!

My name is Gwen. I am 17 years old, and I'm American. I'm not going to share anymore for privacy reasons <3 However, I can share about my appearance.

I've got long brown hair, it goes down to about my chest. It's kinda curly, so it is a bit hard to manage, haha. I have blueish gray eyes.

Also, I should probably explain the title. Back when I was about 15, I discovered the diaper lover community. I don't really involve myself with the sexual side, as I'm a Christian and that kind of stuff is not for me.

but since then, I've had a fascination with diapers and diapers stories, I'd love to try them sometime. I made this book so I could talk about my interest, and I'm hoping to post about my journey as a diaper girl. If you'd like, I can post some wetting and messing stories that've happened to me. Just ask <3

Also, please note I am on the Autism spectrum. (I have what was formerly called Asperger's) This limits my ability to socially interact in a way that seems 'normal'.  I may take things too seriously/literally, or come across as rude. This is unintentional, so please pay little mind to this. xx

all I ask is no private messages please ! only comments on my profile or on my book. Thanks all.

💫 Gwendolyn

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