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"Urg!" I hammered my fingers on the piano keys and cursed under my breath in frustration. I slammed the piano lid shut and closed my eyes to steady my breathing. I had to find a way to calm myself down.

But it was useless. I was nowhere near calm. I could feel the rage boiling inside me, and I could barely contain my anger!

He's so damn unbelievable.


And he expects me to trust him?


After my conversation with Selena, I couldn't sleep. I was up all night thinking about what she told me. I know Lukas reminded me not to overthink, but I wasn't. Because that wasn't overthinking, that was something else entirely. I was trying to make sense of all the emotions I was feeling and the thoughts swirling around in my head.

Theodore fuckin Salvatore is one hell of a complicated, unfreakinbelievable, confusing, difficult mess.

I was furious!

I was tempted to march to the Villa and confront him, but what help would that do? Nothing. Because I should know where I stand, where to place myself. I should know better than to expect anything from him.

Like seriously, Lia. Wake up!

Damn him! Too bad his wound wasn't deep enough to make him feel the pain I was feeling. I wish it had done so, but seeing him yesterday, it does not seem to have left him with any lasting injuries.

That demon really has all the luck, huh?

I opened the piano lid again and tried to find my calm by playing any piece, but even that was impossible. My once soothing activity seemed to have lost its power to comfort and restore peace to me. No matter what I do, I could feel myself just going back to that stressful conversation Selena and I had last night.

* * * * * *

"I was at the bar, and there was this one creepy fan who wouldn't leave me alone. He was too persistent, and he made me feel so damn uncomfortable. When I turned him down for the millionth time, he threatened me--saying he knew where I lived and would come to my house and wait for me there. I got so scared I couldn't move."

"I looked around to see if my bodyguard was around, but he wasn't. Why would they? You know that Prive was supposed to be a safe and private space, right? So I wasn't sure how that freakin stalker got in. I was so scared, Lia. I almost came with him."

I could sense panic in Selena's voice. I felt guilty for asking her what had happened as it must have opened up wounds and trauma again.

"S, you don't have to continue the story if it's too much. I just—,"

"No, it's okay. I don't want to give you the wrong idea anyway."

Before I could even ask what she meant, she continued. "Thank God your husband was there. I actually saw Theo when I came in, drinking all by himself. He looked so annoyed and like he would kill anyone who ticked him off. I dunno, he just had this aura around him. Like he was ready to fight anyone who even looked at him the wrong way."

Then I remember, if that was three days ago, that was the time we had that almost intimate night, but ended up in a cold argument.

"Anyway, when that stalker tried to drag me out of the bar, Theo intervened. Remember when I said he looked like he was about to kill someone? Well, he kinda did. He just banged the head of that creepy stalker on the table so hard that he was knocked out cold. Shock would be an understatement if I were to describe how I felt at that moment. I was completely taken aback and quite impressed by Theo's strength and character!"

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