chapter -32

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Third person's POV

What are you doing here, Ruh?" Abhimaan asked, finding her in their other room in the mansion. She narrowed her eyes at him, covering herself fully with the blanket.

Feeling the bed dip after a moment, she peeked out from under the blanket, questioning, "What? I'm sleeping. It's my room too," he shrugged, earning a glare from her before she hid under the covers again, his chuckle ringing in the air.

Minutes passed, and as she cautiously peered out from the blanket, she found him already looking back at her.

"Done pretending to be angry, Ruh?" he asked mischievously.

Aaruhi wasn't genuinely upset; it was merely a few days ago that she realized she hadn't slept in their other room, a space she adored. Unable to voice this, she saw an opportunity to playfully tease her husband by staying there for the night.

"I am really angry," she insisted.

"Is that so?" He smirked.

Absolutely," she asserted, maintaining her playful facade, secretly relishing the chance to spend the night in their cherished room.

He leaned in closer, hovering above her, and playfully brushed his beard against her cheek, tickling her.

Aan , stop it . It tickles. She whined , squmiring away .

Come on, then admit it," he urged, offering a truce"You were just pretending, weren't you?" He said as he continued to tease her.

Okay, fine, I admit it. I was just pretending," she conceded, finally giving in with a playful smile.

She heaved a sigh of relief as he stopped .Their eyes locked, a charged silence enveloping them. Aan, hovering just above her, found his focus drawn irresistibly to her lips. The tension between them crackled in the air, the proximity of their lips creating an electric anticipation. Each of them, held their breath, the mere fraction of distance separating their lips teasingly close, yet neither daring to bridge the gap. Aaruhi, immobilized by her own conflicting desires, remained motionless, caught in the mesmerizing intensity of the moment.

Can I kiss you ruh . He paused, feeling her subtle nod of consent , he tenderly closed the distance between their lips. It was a gentle touch, soft and delicate, a meeting of warmth and affection. Their kiss spoke volumes, conveying unspoken emotions, as if they were unraveling a story through the gentle union of their lips. Time seemed to stand still in that serene exchange under the stars ,an intimate moment filled with tenderness and unspoken promises.

Slowly,They pulled away, a shared need for air breaking the enchanting moment. Their breaths were rapid, hearts echoing the intensity of their closeness. Aan, concerned, tenderly brushed the side of her hair and asked, 'You okay?' She nodded in response, still caught in the aftermath of their intimate exchange."

It was the best kiss of my life," he whispered tenderly, his words igniting a blush on her cheeks. "I feel like I'm addicted, like I could kiss you endlessly. I don't want to stop." He said as he slowly pecked her lips a few times . His romantic confession hung in the air, enveloping them in an aura of affectionate warmth.
As they lay there, Aaruhi nestled her head on his chest, lost in the sweet memory of their kiss. Their embrace naturally evolved into a comforting hug, creating a sense of closeness between them. He tenderly kissing her head, echoed the sentiment of their shared moment.

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