An Intangible gift

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At the hospital, she is met by Darren's relatives who wore uneasy expressions in their faces. "Well," Mindy explained. "Jarius and Sophie are coming later. After their Prelim Orals."

Shocked by the statement, involuntary tears welled up in Stacey's eyes and fell from her face. "Ah...I'm so sorry guys," Stacey apologised. "I almost cost a life in an attempt to celebrate my 10th birthday."

"Don't say that," Mindy reassured. "It's great you want to learn from your mistake. What matters is whether you learn from it. Everyone feels the same way as you, rest assured."

Attempting to comfort Stacey allowed Judy and Alice's Moral Flowers to bloom, before they wilted again. Knowing there was no time to waste, Mindy rushed her friends to a secret place for the Teleport Spell.
"Girls, let's start!" Mindy declared.

"Alright!" Everyone plucked a petal off their wilted flowers.





"The clue values that take us far!" Mindy stretched her hand and it formed a mystical door.

"Let's go and fight!" Everyone ran into the magical door
"Oh, you punks," Lily scoffed. "You care to defeat us again?" Straight after, the Moral Guardians' Anthem played in the background.

"We will always do the right thing..." Mindy declared.

"At that right moment!" The team chorused.
Pressing their Virtue Brushes on their Virtue Pacts, the mirror within reflected their civilian looks. Taking out their hair accessories, the girls yelled, "Go, Moral Fusion!"

Mindy formed a heart shape with her hands and her top formed. Turning around, Flora's silver wings and blue dress firmed. Judy tapped her legs, forming her red ballet shoes. Finally, Alice raised her head, forming her purple ponytail. All their pacts were kept in their pitches before they posed.

"Sending a big heart, I'm Guardian Kindness!"

"Giving my best in everything I do, I'm Guardian Effort!"

"Telling the truth no matter what, I'm Guardian Honesty!"

"Believing that I can, I'm Guardian Optimism!"

"Sing our morals! We are the mystical moral guardians!"
Unleashing the rocks, Flora activated the Sapphire Shield and let it go overhead. The rocks hit the shield, keeping all the guardians safe. When the shield deactivated, Alice ran out and jumped up. Taking off the cap of her Celestial Rod, Alice spun in the air and screamed, "Optimism Galaxy!"

Not wanting to give in, Judy and Mindy ran to each other, touching each other's hands. Summoning their Celestial Rods, they drew two streaks of light and chorused, "Kindness-Honesty Fusion!"

However, all three attacks went in vain. Judy, Alice and Mindy fell back on the ground unconscious.

Mindy came to her senses quickly and she got up again. "True heroes will not run away when they fall!" Mindy grunted while trying to stand up. "Instead, they'll stand up again and again, until they defeat their villains!"

These strong feelings of integrity ignited passionate sparkles in her celestial rod. Mindy was trapped in another room of light...
Breaking out of her original guardian outfit, Mindy pulls out her original rubber bands and yells, "Becoming me, Celestial Kindness Dress!"

Turning her head around  once, Mindy's original pigtails become a ponytail. Her hair gains a special tiara. Gaining her own spirit, Mindy forms her blue top. Focusing on her chest, the bow forms on her top. Shaking her body once, her skirt forms too, before she taps her feet, forming her ballet tights and shoes. Finally, she jumps up, forming her big silver wings.

Walking out of the light, Mindy declares, "Becoming me! Celestial Dress!"

Summoning her Celestial Rod, Mindy unscrewed the cap of her celestial rod. Drawing a big heart, Mindy grabbed it and jumped to the top. Spinning down, Mindy sent the heart over and yelled, "Celestial Kindness Heart Glowing!"
With the TabiTablet falling to the ground, Mindy received the Integrity Badge. Installing the Badge, Mindy returned to the hospital.
Just then, Jarius and Sophie appeared in front of the Guardians. Realising his sister was biding his childhood friend, he embraced Mindy tightly, apologising for always defying her good intentions. This time, Mindy led Jarius to Darren's ward, when the doctor of Darren's room came out.

The doctor explained Darren's situation. His words were mumbled, but judging by the look on everyone's faces, Darren pulled through.

Realising that this wasn't fiction, tears of joy fell off Mindy's face as she broke into a wide smile. Was this the "intangible prize?" In the air, she felt just like a winner.

She did it.

She won the Integrity Game.

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