Chapter 8

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Catnap POV:

I woken up by being shake and yelled at by someone, " Wake up, Rise & Shine Catnap, wake up, today is special, WAKE UP",  said the familiar voice whining for me to wake up. " Five more minutes please, you crazy hair ball of fuzz" I replied to them, turning away and growing my star shaped pillow to my head, then I felt a heavy weight on me, then listening to more whining. " Catnap today is special" they said again, but still I ignored them and not accepting my eyes to see who was on me. " Can you please get off of me, you don't even weight as light as a feather, Dogday" I replied finally looking up I see Dogday with a birthday hat on. " Oh yeah right it's your birthday isn't it" I asked, then all he sudden he gotten happy and quickly cuddling me. " Yes today is my birthday" he replied panting then finally getting off. I gotten off of the bed and started get ready for what ever Dogday wishes to do today on his Birthday. As I finished organizing the children beds I headed out to the cafeteria to find everyone there, joyfully eating their breakfast, as for me I just gotten frosted flakes with banana slices.

{ God that's the best combination as a Hispanic mmmmm it's just mouth watering}

Then Dogday came by with French toast, and glass of milk; " Soo are you going help grant my birthday wishes or what, stay there do nothing but keep organizing" he said happily while getting mouthful of his breakfast. "Well what do you think I should do" I asked him while he kept on snuggling with me. " You should do option one that will be amazing " he replied finished with his breakfast, I grabbed a napkin and started cleaning the cinnamon and sugar off of his face, making him slightly blush. " So what's the first thing on your birthday wish list" I asked him as he grabbed a piece of paper with a small amount of words written on it, it looked depressing for a birthday list. " Well not much I guess I didn't really know what I wanted but the thing I do want to do the most is make a ice cream cake" he said waggling his tail off like if it has the mind of it's own. " How about the firsts few ones and then when it's close to the afternoon we make the cake" I said to him hugging him I forgotten about my cereal which is now all soggy.

{ RIP cereal }

The first one was done already which was waking me up and able to get me to help with his list which was already crossed off. " The next thing in the list is to make a toy, Dogday you do know well we have to ask permission to get out of playcare do you" I said and he quickly nodded yes," I already asked for permission with the excuse of it being my birthday " he replied then getting up and grabbing my hand and we headed to the exit then to the train. As we gotten to the exit we had to wait for a while so we could the community train and not the other which was only used for experiments such as giants, then the train came by and we gotten on we saw some familiar faces. Finally we gotten to the toy making area we headed to the pieces area and collected price that seems belong to a Dogday plush. " I'mma make a mini me and a mini you " he said still searching around for the piece for my plush. " Good luck on finding me" I said looking around the area it was filled with children making their toys and get to the exit the whole area, looking back Dogday was fighting with a little girl for a piece he actually founded all of the pieces that belonged to the plush version of me then I saw Dogday get in the buckets of toy pieces and looking for the last one. " I found all of then but it was so hard that I had to get on the buckets" he said running up to me while hold on the Dogday plush pieces for him.       " And you had to fight with a little girl for the tail " I told him has we headed to line up to machines. " It's because it wasn't the right piece for her toy, she thought it was a leash" he replied adding a hit of anger while he said that. After a few minutes Dogday added the Catnap plush pieces to the entrance of the machine and ran along with the machine and then get to the end and finally grabbed the fully built plush as I added the other plush to the machine. And do the same and finally handling the plush to Dogday as he cuddled with the plush version of me. " Say Catnap why was your toy so hard to find" he asked grabbing the plush version of himself, " The reason why is because my toy is off the shelf right now, so we will have to wait till the fix it again " I replied looking at Dogday playing with the plush and making them kiss. " I love you so much, Dogday " he mimics my voice, " I love you too Catnap, let get married and have puppies and kittens " he said to himself giggling in the end. He had always have a childish behavior within him and that was very unique feature of him which I loved about him. " I grabbed the Dogday plush the started mimicking his voice " But whose gonna be the husband or wife and the mom or dad of the puppies and the kittens " I finished mimicking his voice, " Well I will be the husband and the dad, which leaves you to be the wife and mom" he replied mimicking my voice. Then we headed back to playcare, the next thing on the list was to drink chocolate milk from a chocolate syrup bottle. " But you're a dog, dogs can't have chocolate " I told him me quickly responded, " Actually yes I am a dog but my inside are of a human you know, I wanna test it out if I can still eat and drink chocolate" he replied waggling his tail hugging the two plushies and we gotten back in the playcare and headed to Dogday room and leave the two plush on his bed. We finally head towards to the cafeteria and saw Pickypiggy making lunch. " Well hello you two, happy birthday Dogday " she said while stirring a bowl of batter, then letting it go and goes into the kitchen and hands us cupcakes, " Thank you so much Picky" Dogday told her taking a quick bite, " So Picky, and chance you have a bottle of chocolate syrup that will run soon" I asked her pulling my cupcake away from Dogday who was reaching for it wanting for seconds, " I do have one actually but why do you need it" she replied back, handing Dogday another cupcake.  " Well this one" as pointed to Dogday, " wants to try if he can drink chocolate milk put of the bottle, and see if his body allows it or if his organs react like a dogs organs or if they are human" I responded then looking into my hand to see my cupcake gone and seeing Dogday stuffing it in his mouth which was covered in frosting. " Alright then" she said heading back to the kitchen a coming out with a bottle of chocolate syrup and a gallon of milk, filling it up and shaking it up, finally handing it to Dogday. Dogday quickly grabbed it and started chugging it like of someone left him to starve for five days. " So how do you feel " I asked looking at him and he did was act normal unlike a dog who leaps around every where, " It feels like usual when I used to be human, so I guess I still have my insides" he replied handling the bottle to me, I gave it try and he was right it really didn't like anything. " Ok then we got more stuff to get off of your lost and finish the day with making a ice cream cake and giving the gifts of got you" I told hold on his hands as we headed out, the next thing on the list was to make another list for the next birthday. We went to Dogday's small room and gotten the objects such as a pen and a piece of paper. After all of the writing and thinking process we went into cafeteria to make the ice cream cake which was already after. " How about we have a race, the winner gets the lefts overs of whipped cream and the loser gets to clean the dishes" Dogday said jumping up and down like if it's was his sweets sixteens or something. " Fine then challenge accepted" I replied even though I know very well he will win me in  the race. " Already, 1..2..3!!" he said yelling which may seem unfair but I need up walking to the cafeteria letting him take the hard way, while I find my way to climb up into a shortcut, then a few minutes I got there first surprisingly, well that's because the dog trip over twice lucky he didn't get badly hurt. The I saw tears form in his eyes, " Even though I won the race, you can still have the whip cream left overs since it is your birthday " I told him grabbing his hand as we walked over to the kitchen, " Really, even though I lost" he said wiping his tears off, blushing " Of course, because you deserve it" I replied to him the kissed him, " Your the best boyfriend " he said hugging me tightly. " Hey you two love birds" Picky said as we entered and washed our hands, " Hi Picky, how you been" Dogday asking her and then we see someone come out of the freezer room, it was Craftycorn. " Here's the ice cream love" she said kissing Picky, then she turned around and saw both of us jaw dropped while Dogday was biting his lips not trying to squeak of joy, " Ahhh you two are in a relationship, congratulations " Dogday say running around, while both of the others where embarrassed, " Well yes but it was a secret relate " Craftycorn  replied leaving the ice cream, and heading out. " Oh I'm sorry about that" Dogday said as if did a unforgivable crime, " It's ok Dogday you did nothing wrong " Picky told him then heading out to catch up with Crafty, " Also the the ingredients are there with the steps" she said leaving, so Dogday and I gotten ready to make our little mess, the steps where, blah blah you know just cooking details.

{ Too lazy to copy and paste the steps so yea time skip}

Finally the cake was in the freezer and I washed all the dishes while Dogday ate the leftovers and helped me then we spent our free time on drawing each other. After a hour the cake was ready so we got the cake out but someone came in running and making Dogday trip and the cake fell on his head, " Dogday are you ok" I said running up to him cleaning off the cake, the he started crying, " I'm sorry Catnap I'm soo clumsy " he kept whining hugging me, " Hey the cake doesn't matter ok, it's you that matters and  I knew all the way that your going to drop it so I made an extra, but dropped the extra and not the one we both made, then stared up then hugging me tightly, " Can you hold the cake so I don't drop it" he said still covered in ice cream, " Of course I can but you have get your self clean"  I told him as I picked him up and we headed to his house.

{ So yes I know you will be confused if Dogday has a small room, he stays there in the day when he doesn't have to walk back in forth to take care of the orphans, both Catnap and Dogday have there own houses, but it's based in a different area that's within the playcare that the children don't know of but here are the houses that Mob entertainment posted on Instagram.      }


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°So that's all so back to the chapter°

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°So that's all so back to the chapter°

Dogday's POV:

As I say my good byes to Catnap and entering into my house and gotten all clean up due what happened with the cake. When I gotten all dry up I heard a knock on the door knowing who exactly who is was. I opened the door to see Catnap holding presents which his presence, " You can come you silly" I told as he entered leaving the presents on the table then comes up to me hugging and kissing, " I miss my puppy" he said as we hold each other's hands, we started decorating and then went for the cake this time Catnap will be holding it, even though none of my other friends are joining me today, at least someone special spent the whole day with me, we also got to my small room and grabbed the two plushies. We got back and started to have some food and finally cutting the cake for each other the cake wasn't the best but it was good enough. " So do want to open your presents since it's getting dark right now" he said hugging me while we watched a movie, " Sure I mean yeah that will be great " I replied and I started to open one and it was a round plush that looked homemade it was me but with a tiny top hat and a bow tie, " Did you made this" I asked him looking at the silly thing, " Yea I made that, does it look bad" he replied looking ashamed but ran up to him with it, " It's perfect I love it, I'mma name him Sr. Doggy, pelucito" I told  him then opened the other two it was a oversized hoodie and can dog treats. " Thank you so much Catnap" I told him while yawning, " Your welcome, happy birthday " he said as he picked me up and laid me on my bed and join me and ending the day, today was the best.

Aghhhhh I drew a drawing about this but it isn't finished ahhhhh so I'll post it on my art book later then so yoppee Im done for now, hope you guys enjoyed this and tysm for 7.55k views I love you all  Along the title picture is inspired by AMBUSH69429, thank you for your support
~ Malki

2475 words

✮✩✮     O Sol e a Lua  { Catnap x Dogday}   ✩✮✩Where stories live. Discover now