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Pulling up to Chance's apartment complex, Meadow turned off the music he was playing

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Pulling up to Chance's apartment complex, Meadow turned off the music he was playing

When he parked, which was sloppy, he got out and went up to the lobby doors. He put in the code and the doors opened, leading him to going up the stairs

How Meadow knew her passcode? How he even knew where she lived? The nigga was a stalker, but he hated to admit and would never

He made it to Chance's apartment level and walked to her door, going inside by putting in the code to that as well

She was in the bathroom connected to her bedroom with the door closed off of habit

Meadow took off his Christian Dior shoes and made way into bedroom, he was oh so comfortable as if he had been there before

Had he?

Chance came out of the bathroom, butt booty naked which he didn't know because it was pitch black

She felt a presence. "Jesus?" She grabbed her phone to tell her grandmother that Jesus had came back

"Almost." He mumbled, making her jump and gasp, holding her chest

"Oh my God, what the fuck? I'm naked!" She yelled, throwing a pillow where his voice came from

He covered his eyes. "I'm sorry, why you changed your number doe? I was tryna call you..."

"You're my stalker, but don't know that my phone fell down a building?" She asked, sarcastically

Meadow wanted to snap her neck off. "Ima stalker?" He asked, stepping closer and closer to her

With both of his hands, he got ahold of her neck and yet she still couldn't see him

"I just know you not finna choke me to death, but you want me to answer your calls." She scoffed

"This is crazy as hell like for real, can you leave? I would say before I call somebody, but I can't so I'm just going to ask you nicely if you could leave my home."

"Why I gotta leave doe?" He licked his bottom lip, calming himself down at the sound of her voice

"Because you found my number randomly, then now you in my home and that's overly. I'm lowkey scared." She confessed. His face turned soft, he didn't mean to scare her

"Youn gotta be scared ah me ." He assured her, rubbing her neck softly with his thumb to calm her nerves

"How do I know that? I've heard a lot of stories of murders from stalkers." She said truthfully, she heard them from both of her parents

"If you don't want me to contact you no mo, Ima leave you 'lone." He lied

"I mean it's lowkey like you like me that much? Got me thinking like "Ou, lil daddy come here", but if you gonna hurt me or like murder me, then it got me like "Get the fuck away before I bust this lamp across yo head" so I'm conflicted." She rambled on and on, and she was so serious too

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