Chapter Seven

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Rody woke up to the sound of loud banging, which immediately made him jolt awake. Surprisingly, he was still in Vince's apartment, and had fallen asleep on top of him.

Vince was already awake, and had been trapped underneath Rody for quite a while. He thought about pushing him off when the banging started, but didn't have to since it woke him up pretty quickly.
The banging was actually knocking, coming from Vince's front door.

"Wha-" Rody tried to speak, but was immediately silenced by Vince. "Don't even think about it, don't say it, do not even think it." He said, standing up from the window seat where they'd fallen asleep at.
Rody's face flushed slightly, as he thought back to the night before.

Him and Vince drank together, and he fell asleep against Vince. Rody, fell asleep, against his boss.

Rody sat up straight, his face a deep red. Now that he thought back on it more, he'd felt something wrap an arm around him before passed out. Did Vince do that?
He didn't even bother to move him so he could go to bed, he just slept there at the window with Rody. Why on earth would he do that?

Why didn't he wake Rody up, or push him away, he could have even just laid him down on the cushions and left! But for some reason, he didn't.

Vince walked over to his front door, taking a look through the peephole, before he sighed and unlocked the door.
Rody couldn't quite understand what Vince and the other person were talking about, but he did recognize the other voice.

He let the curiosity get the best of him, and he walked over to where Vince stood. Vince noticed Rody, and was completely prepared to shove him away, but wasn't able to.

"Rody, is that you?" The person Vince was talking to asked, a smile spreading against their face. It was Richard, Rody's old college friend.
Rody wasn't that big a fan of Richard, even if he was a good guy. He just, didn't like anything or anyone that reminded him of college.

Stuff like that also reminded him of how much of a disappointment he was, and he really didn't need to be in that mental state at the moment.

"Rody, was I not clear on you staying put?" Vince asked, gritting his teeth in annoyance as he looked at Rody. "You made it clear you wanted me to shut up, you never said anything about moving." Rody mumbled, putting on a tired and annoyed smile.

"Oh, I didn't realize I was.. interrupting something." Richard said, rubbing the back of his neck nervously as he looked to and from Vince and Rody.

Rody immediately froze up, his face turning red as he understood what Richard was insinuating.

"No we weren't- i-its not like that really! I-i just-" Rody started stammering, holding his hands up defensively as he stepped back slightly.
"I was not doing anything you're thinking of with my waiter right now Richard, I just let him crash here for the night." Vince explained calmly, quickly shoving Rody away into the main living room.

Rody tripped and fell, landing on the ground with a thud. Vince glanced at him, making sure he was alive before he put his attention back to Richard.

"Uh huh, sure. You just happen to let the conveniently attractive red head crash at your place.." Richard said, a small grin on his face as he crossed his arms.

"What do you want Richard?" Vince asked, leaning against his doorframe with an annoyed and tired look on his face.
"Well, I wanted to personally invite you to a small little get together I'm hosting in a few weeks." Richard said, uncrossing his arms so he could grab something from his pocket.

It was a note, or card, or invitation, whatever word best suits it, that's what it was. A piece of paper with a date, time, and address on it.

Richard paused for a moment, glancing into Vince's apartment. He sighed, grabbing another one of these notes and handing them both to Vince.
"Rody can come too. I haven't seen him in a few years, so it'd be nice to have him around to catch up." Richard said, immediately causing Rody to perk up.

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