42|Becoming My Worst Nightmare

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Santo's POV

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Santo's POV

As I leaned on my car waiting for the guards to come outside, I checked my watch.

They were taking too long.

I stood up as I pulled out my gun.

"Sir, you need to stay here," the guard attempted to stop me. "The team hasn't finished sweeping."

I looked at him before heading towards the building.

I was here to take back the supplies that were stolen when I was at my honeymoon and kill those who were involved.

Usually, I don't make house calls but these guys were a pain in my ass.

I stopped when I saw the team exiting the building.

"Did you find anything?" I asked.

"Negative," the operation's leader answered. "Someone must have tipped them off sir."

"Find out who tipped them off and where they went," I told them.

"Right away, sir," he answered before they all left.

I held my head as I tried not to get angry.

If I hadn't given my father an opportunity, this would've never happened.

"We'll find them," Dante said as he walked up next to me. "I can't help but feel this is my fault. I know how much you value your profit."

"I don't even care about that," I said as rage filled me. "I just want to murder those idiots for thinking they can mess with me."

I turned around and started heating towards my car.

"Where are you going?" He asked me.

"I have a matter that needs to be dealt with at home," I answered before entering my car and speeding off.

After a short drive, I reached the house.

"Get me my golfing gear and that dumbass who touched Emilia," I told the guard as I got out the car and walked to the golf course.

After around five minutes of waiting, I could hear the two coming.

"You wanted to see me sir?" I heard his weak voice ask.

I don't know why I even have guards.

I could take all of them down myself with no trouble.

It was more of having them for formality than having them for protection.

They meant nothing to me. They were disposable people.

When one is gone, no one misses them.

I notion to the guard to hand me my club and he did.

"Do you know what I like most about golf balls?" I asked him and he shook his head.

"It's the fact that no matter how hard I hit them," I started before swinging my club across his face. "They never break."

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