chapter 2

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Time goes by, and each guard who walks inside the basement leaves when they are satisfied abusing me.

I cry for help and bigness, but of course, none of them ever listen or have any mercy to stop.

I'm tired, so fucking tired that my body is now covered in purple bruises, I can't stand, I can't move around the bed without hissing in pain.

I lay in my bed, facing the empty wall while gears continued to stain the mattress. I have to find a way to escape, but I know how risky it will be.

Now that I don't know where there keeping me, I have no idea what place this is. I'm scared that if I try to escape, there will be a bunch of guards upstairs.

My life right now is in thin eyes, if I don't do anything, nothing will happen to me. And I don't want to spend the rest of my life, locked in this basement

I want to see Tom

I want to hear his voice, I want to see his face, I want to feel his protective arms wrap around me. Thinking about him made me cry harder

I look down at my hands to see the ring he gave me but to my fear, it's no longer in my finger. I got up from the bed, groaning in pain as almost fell, but luckily I regained my balance.

I begin looking for the promise ring he gave me on the floor, probably it's just here. My hand got skinnier and I didn't even feel it slide off my finger

Please, please, please where is it

Tears rolled down my cheeks as I wiped them away. Now I lost something that Tom had given me, I sat back in bed and cried

Remembering the words he told me when he gave me the promise ring that night. Because of my cries, I didn't realize that the door opened and someone walked in

" looking for this? "

I jumped when hearing a voice. I look up to see Alexander holding the shining diamond in his hand, I swallow the lump in my throat as he looks at it and smiles.

" what a beautiful ring he gave you, Adeline," he says

Now I was worried for Tom. Did he know anything about him? Did he hurt him? When Alexander noticed my expression, he laughed and put the ring inside his pocket

"Don't worry, we didn't hurt your boyfriend... Yet " Alexander says. I kept my mouth shut while hugging my body. When he noticed my silence, he sighed

"You look worse... I'll bring down a doctor here to check up on you " He continues and left the basement

After a few minutes, a male doctor walks in. He puts a fake smile on his face, covering the fear that begins to scare him.

" hello Valentina, I'm doctor Rey. Nice to meet you " he introduces, I watch him walk over to the wooden table in the corner and set down the med kit

My dad decided to place a table inside the room and I didn't complain about it. Maybe it will be useful for future needs

"Can you stand, dear? " Doctor Rey asks and turns to me.

I shook my head, he looked around and saw that there was no other furniture except the mattress on the floor and the table.

" alright... I know it's gonna be painful but you have to stand for a few seconds so I can check how badly- the bruises are on your body " The doctor continues. I didn't have any other choice so I nodded my head

The doctor walked up to me and put his both arms beneath my armpits, lifting me from the bed as I cried in pain.

Please, let this be done soon


" Breaking news this morning, Tokio Hotel band announced to take a break from the public "

" today's news, it was just seen that the Tokio Hotel band members are currently staying in Los Angeles today. We don't know how long they have been staying there but fans are curious why "

" the famous band Tokio Hotel just announced that they are going to take a long break from the public, meaning there will be no concerts, no tours, or no meetings with fans until they're back "

" fans are curious and want to know why Tokio Hotel members decide to take a break from the public "

" one video shows that some girls ran to Bill and Tom Kaulitz when they were seen out today, the fans bombed them with questions but not a single one was given an answer "

" why there's not a single statement spoken to the fans by the Tokio Hotel members after they decide to take a break "


"Hello and good morning everyone. It's been a month since the announcement of the Tokio Hotel band, and until now, their fans still. want answers that will come from the members and not from the manager "

" Today, Tom Kaulitz and Georg Listing were seen together in the airport "


" Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We hope that everyone is having a good time with their family and loved ones "

" Today's weather report, you can see in my background how snowy today is in Germany. We expect that tonight, there will be a blizzard happening for an hour, we wish everyone to be safe "

" New Year's Eve is finally here and see how everyone around the world celebrates this wonderful event! "

" It's been one and a half months since the Tokio Hotel announced taking a break from the public, today, a video was released in the media, with the members greeting their fans online "

" Merry Christmas everyone! "


" breaking news. A girl named Adeline Wright has been missing for 1 month now without any trace leading to her disappearance "

" Kate Wright, the close best friend of the young seventeen-year-old missing girl, Adeline Wright. Calls for help in public, asking anyone if they saw her best friend being taken away by an unknown man "

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