Chapter Two

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The ship's captain approached to greet Debooba on the main deck while Jack looked on in withering regard. How exactly had she managed to get a crew to take her to America? Well, bother it all, it really didn't matter to him. Once they reached the States, she would be in for a rude surprise. He had no intention of staying that was for damn sure.

"Aye, Yer' ladyship! Avast me n' me men are hark'n ready to go whenever ye be of full sails in yer skirts thar!" The Captain, a roughly-grizzled beast of a man who stood a head taller than Jack himself, bellowed in Darcy's face with a toothy grin. Jack winced from the volume of his robust voice, being vaguely reminded of the hulking bears from the Grey estate forests. Narrowing his sharp blue eyes on the black-bearded Captain, Jack caught himself from taking a step towards Debooba. She hardly needed his assistance.

"Yes, indeed. I have collected my husband, and now we are quite ready." Darcy replied daintily with a quick curtsey, "Here now is the payment we agreed upon." Reaching inside a hidden dress pocket, she extracted an enormous coin purse. Jack blinked in bafflement.

The captain's eyes widened subtly at the sight of it, and without hesitation, he took it jovially, "Thar be perfect, excellent, excellent! Aye-aye! And a ho ho hum, away we go now, ye savvy?" He exclaimed, turning and motioning with his hand for them to follow, "Avast yer'll be in the brig fer the journey. Got ye a room with a nice port pole ye can poop from and a cat for the ladies. We eat potatoes at high noon, 'Merica!"

"Yay, America aha-ha!" Darcy answered back chipperly as she followed behind the captain, looking as if she had not a care in the world. Jack hesitated and turned to look back at Rapidash, still standing on the deck near the gangway appearing lost.

The captain flicked his gaze over his shoulder at him with another toothy grin, "Ar ya, the stallion comes too. He'll be in the lower deck. Gents, go take the beast to the stable and feed 'em some fresh barley, be about it quick now!" He called to his men as Jack nodded and began to walk alongside Darcy, following him to the brig.

Opening the door into a spacious little cabin with two hammocks, the captain ushered Jack and Darcy into the room before grinning and patting his stomach proudly.

"Argharhar, here we are, tidy'n bidy'n slipshot cozy it is! Now'n I'll be needin' all yer valuables, baubles, trinkets, trunkets, jewels, and anythin' else yer'll holdin' in those thar pockets. All for safe-keepin' ye savvy? Thar be salty thieves on this here vessel." He announced.

Jack's brows drew in with dubious regard at the man at the same time Darcy began to remove her emerald and ruby rings.

"Certainly." She replied enthusiastically.

"Now wait just a damn min -" Jack raised his hand to hers, lowering it away from her neck where she was presently attempting to unclasp her emerald necklace next.

Darcy emitted a shrill huff of annoyance and yanked her hand away, "Really, you frightened doe of man, stop acting so rakish and keep your thieving hands to yourself!"

"Thieving ha--!!!" Jack repeated with an open mouth and curled nose in insult. Closing his mouth into a momentary thin-lipped line, he drew in a quick breath of impatience before adding in a hushed voice of feigned calmness, "Darcy, listen to me. Do not give this man your jewel--"

"Enough! I will do with my wealth as I see fit! That is much more than you could ever say, so be quiet and go sit down, Mad Jack." She growled back in blatant insult of his newly-found name.

Jack blinked at her with a solemn face. After two seconds too long, he finally nodded his head once, twice, thrice, before turning and muttering, "I see. Yes, indeed. Let us be robbed to the bone by these dastardly pirates and arrive in America...quite penniless."

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