Thirty-one: Dreamless

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When Violet got home she headed straight for her computer. She typing into the search bar exactly what those break club assholes told her too.

Westfield High

Those two words completely changed her life, she clicked on so many links. Reading every article, the more she read the less she understood. Those teens are on the list of dead students, so how were they on her doorstep? Then she sees him,

The shooter was identified as student Tate Langdon, he was shot by cops in his home when they tried to detain him.

Her breathing is erratic as she tries to process what she just read, but the longer she thinks about it the more hysterical she gets. Ghosts are real. Tate is not only dead but he killed those kids. This can't be happening, all of this is impossible. He couldn't have killed all those people there had to be a reason.

In search of answers Violet goes to Westfield high, she tries to act like she is not just there to try to map out what happened that day. The articles only described the shooting; there were no pictures of the actual bodies. Not that she really wanted to see them just reading about the killings sent a spine down her spine.

There's a gold plaque with names of all the victims, but her attention is being drawn to the librarian. He survived the shooting but was left paralyzed he could answer her questions. She tries to act casual but he sees through her right away. "Get out" he says, calling her a groupie. She quickly denies his claim telling him she knows Tates mother, and just wanted to know more. He just sighed, he told her that Tate was a quiet student, he had seen him reading in the library a few times but nothing ever made him think he would do anything like that. After her conversation with him she heads straight home.

She was on edge when she got home, the eerie feeling in the house wasn't helping. She just wanted to go to her room and forget everything. The figure of someone walking deterred her plans. She followed the shadowy figure to the basement. She looked around the basement trying to figure out what she's supposed to be seeing.

"Look at what he did to me" she whips around her heart stopping when she sees a woman in a soaking nurse uniform.

Another voice calls out right behind her "Excuse me Ma'am I'm hurt and needing assistance" her blood rain cold at the familiar sight of the intruders. She needed to get out of here, she's running to the stairs when a man in a white coat steps out.

"Has my wife medicated you?" she's running up the stairs, fear encompassing her whole body. What the hell is happening? She finally breathes when she reaches her room, locking the door behind her. She's okay, she just needs to breathe. Any hope of calming down is thrown away when she sees the words on her chalkboard. 'We need to talk'. She is in full blown panic now. Thinking about the articles she read all about Tates crime, and then she thinks back to the tour that her mother took her on. Now she can't breathe. Her hands are shaking as she grabs the orange pill bottle from her bag. She's shoving every single pill down her throat. With every pill she feels calmer.

Everything goes dark and she's finally able to relax......

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