Chapter 2: The Attempt

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Walking miles from Mos Elsy, Fennec held the prisoner in tow as Silya walks along side her. "So, you've been traveling with Suri for the past few weeks since we help recuse you?" she asks.

Silya turns to her, "Yeah, she's helping me with my... problem." she answers, Fennec hums, "Is it a personal problem?" Fennec asks, Silya ponders for a moment. "You can say that." she answers.

A clank of metal drew their attention and they looked ahead at the gates opens just a bit, allowing them through, the gate closes behind them and Fennec tugs on the rope, making the prisoner stumble for a moment.

Silya smiles under her helm, "You're enjoying this, aren't you?" she asks, Fennec just chuckles for the moment.


The prisoner was taken to the throne room, kneeling before the Lord Boba as Fennec sat on the throne arm and Silya leans against a curved wall with her arms crossed.

"Who sent you?" Boba questions, the assassin remained silent. "What were your orders?" Boba questions again, still the assassin refuses to answer. "Speak, prisoner." Boba orders him in a clam tone.

Still no answer, "Well, if he's not going to speak, he no longer need his head." he spoke and signals one of his guard, hemoves out and held a blade at his throat, no reaction from the assassin. Just an insult that was throw at him in Huttese.

Silya pulls herself off the wall, "May I throw out a suggestion?" she spoke, Boba and Fennec turns to her. Silya pushes herself off the wall and stood next to Boba, leaning in close. "It is never a good idea to leave beast unfed for a long period of time." she whispers.

Boba blinks, looking at her as she nudges her head to the bars behind the assassin. He hums, "I'll take it into consideration." he whispers to her.

She nods and pulls away as Boba looks back at the prisoner "We spared your life after you tried to take mine." Boba spoke as Silya pulls away and leans against the throne head.

"And you curse me? What do we know of this prisoner?" he questions, 8D8 steps forward. "He is of the Order of the Night Wind." he answers. "Assassin for hire." Boba exclaims as Fennec rolls her eyes. "Very expensive." 8D8 spoke.

"Someone really don't like you Boba." Silya spoke up, getting a side grin. "Overpriced. You're paying for the name." Fennec spoke up. "Their reputation is legendary. There is no way this one will talk." 8D8 informs them.

"I know their reputation." Boba spoke up. "They're just people... in hood." Fennec points out. "Hoods that are underclass by far." Silya threw out, making Fennec chuckle. "There is no way he will talk. They fear no man." 8D8 informs as the assassin lowers his neck on the blade.

"Fine. He fears the rancor." Fennec calls out, making the assassin look up at her in shock. The guard moves away as Fennec presses at the button on the arm and the trap door activates and down the slot he went.

Sent right into the pit below, the throne moves in closer, to overlook the pit as the assassin slowly stood up to his feet, panting in fear as it was only moment away.

Then the gates behind him open, making the man jump and turn to the door, seeing a shadow appearing from the approaching light. His heart was racing and just as the gate was halfway open.

He looks up at the bars above him, "I was sent by the mayor! I was sent by the mayor!" he shout, Silya steps out and looks down at him. "Let me out!" he screams, he looks back, seeing the gate was open and saw... it was just a woman.

A blind woman, wearing a blind visor over her eyes, "Really? It's just a woman." he calls out, Silya squats as she lays her arms on her knees.

"Maybe... but let me assure you. She is more than just a woman." she promises, this confuses the assassin as he looks back, only to jump with fright. Seeing she was right in front of him.

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