Chapter 9 - Grade Atlastar Ablaze

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Samejima's exclamation startled everyone.

"Something's wrong, sir?" the fleet staff inquired, representing everyone.

"The 46-centimeter gun fired at an elevation angle of 45 degrees will reach an altitude of 21.000 meters. Short-range SAM won't reach it."

Everyone sighed with relief and a bit of amazement at the same time.

"Shall we intercept with SM-3 then?"

The fleet staff's question was accompanied by sarcasm and confirmation.

"No joke. Can't afford to do such a wasteful thing!"

Samejima's answer was as expected by everyone.

The SM-3, designed to intercept ballistic missiles outside the Earth's atmosphere, could easily reach the stratosphere at an altitude of 21.000 meters. Its kinetic warhead could destroy the target through direct impact, even capable of destroying a Type 91 armor-piercing shell (if it hits). However, only the four Kongō-class could launch the SM-3, and each ship had only purchased nine units. Moreover, each ship had conducted a test launch once (except for the Myōkō, which failed), so the stockpile was only 8 units per ship, totaling 32 units.

While Japan participated in the development of the SM-3 Block IIA, it was only involved in the second and third stages. The first stage, handled solely by the United States, remained a black box that impeded domestic production. In other words, the stockpile of SM-3 remained at 32 units, and until the battle with the Sorcerous Empire, which was expected to possess ICBMs, they could not waste it.

"Anyway, you can't aim at targets within the atmosphere with the SM-3."


Samejima became irritated at the fleet staff's casual response. The SM-3 was a missile designed for interception outside the Earth's atmosphere and couldn't target objects within the atmosphere. In short, Samejima was being teased by the fleet staff, and he had a pretty good idea why.

"Use the short-range SAMs to intercept the shells once their altitude dropped."

With non-armor-piercing Type 3 shells, explosive detonation could be expected even from metal fragments scattered by proximity fuzes at relative speeds exceeding Mach 4.

The Akizuki once again launched six ESSMs. Fifteen seconds after launch, the ESSMs intercepted all the projectiles from the Grade Atlastar.

. . .

Spectacular flames bloomed in the air.

"Main gun shell explosion... Twenty seconds before impact, sir."

Upon hearing the report from the gunnery officer, Luxtal questioned, "Did you set the fuse wrong?"

The Grade Atlastar's radar couldn't detect the missile 41.000 meters away.

"It shouldn't be... No, it could be."

"Fire again."

Luxtal knew the proficiency of his subordinates and trusted them. That's precisely why he couldn't help but double-check.

. . .

There was movement in Escort Flotilla 0 as well.

"Launch command to the Akizuki. Prepare to launch ASM-2X."

Upon Samejima's order, the Akizuki's captain was perplexed.

"The opponent is a battleship, though?"

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